Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
[ Nu: Carnival] Any tips on the Opening day?
latest #31
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
I keep getting killed
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
I tried keeping my team to light and dark elements
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
Or even attacking the mushrooms first but you no avail
duck bastard
2 years ago
which opening day? also real talk, sometimes you just have to grind potential or level up characters lmao
duck bastard
2 years ago
that does make it a little easier, sometimes
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
The first one lol
duck bastard
2 years ago
okay so, here's the trick: they all get stronger when one of the others die
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
Most of my team is level 47 but the games halves their level to 20
duck bastard
2 years ago
so ideally what you want to do is get all of them to a sliver of health - something you know you could take out in one shot - but without killing a single one of them
duck bastard
2 years ago
so then you wipe them all out in one turn
duck bastard
2 years ago
IDEALLY being the key word here lmao
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
duck bastard
2 years ago
also don't worry about element match ups for this too much! take your strongest
duck bastard
2 years ago
my only light element was SSR Olivine healing my ass lmao, and that's how i managed to scramble by the first time
duck bastard
2 years ago
also potential can make up for level stuff
duck bastard
2 years ago
at least, it doesn't hurt, lmao
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
Okay I will keep that in mind and try again
duck bastard
2 years ago
it can still be a little tricky, especially while you're trying to juggle enemy ults and keep everyone alive, lmao, but it is doable!
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
I have threes SSRs including White Day Edmond who isn’t really strong, but still getting murdered
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
Thanks, James!
duck bastard
2 years ago
no problem lmao!
duck bastard
2 years ago
the opening day after that is all about pattern recognition, i'll have to link you the guide i followed in case you are also like me, and have no memory
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
Yea probably gonna need help with that too
duck bastard
2 years ago
bear in mind i have still not survived day 3, so that might just be hell lmao
for opening day 1, you could try bring an aoe member too such as sr garu, or if you have, ssr kuya too
it's easier to manage so you don't accidentally kill one of the enemies early on
OD2 is a little bit easier to manage. the mind boggling one is OD3. but if you need more help on that, just ping
Milk Apocalypse
2 years ago
miershyk: Thanks!
duck bastard
2 years ago
yeah od3 is a nightmare for me still lmao
yeah i just made sure i pass it and then focus on CB 10
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