2 years ago
Whoo hoo, back to work day!
latest #12
2 years ago
Am I still worried about the whole ass panini we got going on? Yes.
2 years ago
Do I feel ANYTHING other than unbridled joy at going back to the office? No.
2 years ago
I CANNOT work at home. My mental health has been in the shitter specifically because of being stuck in the house and having to conduct my entire existence from within it's walls.
2 years ago
I have NEVER been this unproductive and this sick all the time in my life.
2 years ago
And it's finally, finally, at least for a short while (because who knows what will happen in the future), OVER.
Hope it’s a good first day back!
2 years ago
One more hour to go (would normally be 2 and a half but we’ve got a work thing after work that starts early) and I’m about to curl up under my desk and go to sleep.
2 years ago
Been STUNNINGLY PRODUCTIVE, but I am very very tired.
2 years ago
Wow I got home from the work thing, managed to shower and make a few completely incoherent texts to people and then crashed at like, 9 pm and just woke up in the middle of the night. O_o
2 years ago
I’d be more worried my sleep schedule was fucked but I went down for the count SO HARD that I’m less worried about it for tomorrow night.
2 years ago
Man. I have literally gone from not being able to get ANYTHING done to being so ridiculously productive that I’m... bored.
2 years ago
Like I do still have things to do, but nothing that HAS to get done.
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