ᴼᴴ ᶠᴼᴿ 🦊 ˢᴬᴷᴱ
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
I am not feeling good today, friends. My stomach hurts from the stress of a whole lot of things. (cw: death, animal abuse)
latest #20
Yesterday was bad. I got some really sad news and had to spend the afternoon with someone who does almost nothing but complain so I couldn't really process because she just kept talking and talking and I just wanted to be by myself. .
Then when I got home, Mia was there (the daughter of the friend who died) because grandfather had to go to the hospital. She's cute and sweet but she talks a lot, too, as all 4 year olds do, so no me time still.
Then Mary came and told me she'd been looking through Tiffany's Facebook for anything like memories or comments people would like to see it know about, and told me that Tiffany had called me her best friend on more than one occasion and always had good things to say about us (she was a gossip, i figured she trash talked us sometimes just like anyone)
so that pushed me over the edge when I really hadn't wanted to cry around anyone. And this damn cat, not mine, a neighbor cat who's being neglected. This is the second time a cat of theirs has decided that it's ours.
She never gets let in at night, she's unspayed and pregnant, unvaccinated, no flea prevention or ID, and she keeps coming here for what she's not getting there (food, water, shelter, attention) they said they don't even have cat food when we carried her back over to them.
And I just found out last night the kids have been taping her mouth shut so now we're talking abuse. And it's just all.........so much
She's in the office now, like she has been the last three or four nights. Oh, and she needs medical attention, one of her eyes is swollen almost shut and ofc he hadn't taken her to the vet.
The last time his cat came harassing mine and howling at 3am on our porch, he just "got rid of it," and I automatically assume that means take it to the shelter, but this guy....he's the kind of person who wouldn't bother, or maybe not even think of it. I feel like he probably just took her far away and dumped her, guys, I hate this place.
And I have to spend all day with the complainer again and it's so stressful and I just want some time to cry about stupid shit.
And I don't have a lunch today because I wasn't supposed to be at jasmine's today so I only packed enough for up to yesterday
Wayward Haze
2 years ago
That poor cat, holy shit. Is there any way you could report him? Or bring it to the vet yourselves AS a report? IDK how that works in MD
Wayward Haze
2 years ago
I hope you get some time for yourself today, that's... a lot
:C I'm sorry that things are so rough for you right now. Poor you, and that poor cat too.
Jasmine shared some lunch meat with me, so that's really nice. I don't think I can report the guy. I called SMAWL for advice day before yesterday (st mary's animal welfare league) and they said to call animal control. I emailed All Kinds vet, where I take my cat, for advice and they said the same thing.
AC would probably take her to Charles cty and that's a kill shelter, so.
:C That's such a bad situation...
Yeah. The last thing we can think of is just straight up taking her to a rescue. She's technically abandoned
The lady who lives on the lower floor said their last cat was always trying to hide on the roof to get away from them
And I'm sure he stole someone's cat. He's had her for a few weeks but she immediately cane to us (like we have a secret cat hobo marker on the house??)
He said he picked her up off the street as a feral but. She was immediately friendly (except to my cat), knows what a door is knows what food sounds like is litter box trained wants to be inside all the time. Sounds like not a feral.
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