2 years ago
I am sorry to all fellow RPers. I have been sick for months after being glutened at least three times within two weeks. In fact, it's sent me backwards by several months.

Due to this crash that I have to slowly crawl back out of, I am seriously considering dropping until further notice. Hopefully I can come back.
latest #13
2 years ago
I am already missing RP since going on hiatus for two months in a row (even if doing so took away the stress of tagging while ill) so I may be around to tag Memes or private threads.

Sorry for disappearing for months and coming back only to plan to leave again. Have fun tagging, everyone!
2 years ago
hope you feel better soon :-(
Set, a facedown
2 years ago
D= do what you have to in order to feel better, for sure! D= i'm so sorry you've been ill
2 years ago
MomeMordrid I am sooooo sorry that your tag with Runyu at the museum died due to my health. If I am up to it, and it doesn't stress me out, I'm completely down for continuing it while I am gone - as something that happened in the past. It's up to you.

(Just don't count it for AC :-P )
2 years ago
Grimmkitty: Thank you. You're really fun to RP with. I'm sorry my health has made it so difficult for Runyu and Ryou to do much.
2 years ago
Tetradecimal: Thanks, Tetra. Trying!
we might have to move the thread to a musebox or something if you wanna continue threading it out after dropping! (I think Runyu's account might not have commenting privileges after being dropped) I'm happy to do that if you wanna! or we could just handwave and work out oocly what info they would've exchanged.
I'm so sorry to hear you're having such health issues :<
I hope you recover swiftly.
Just Lore
2 years ago
Oh noooo! /hugs. Getting glutened sucks.
2 years ago
MomeMordrid: Let's go ahead and do that. I'll link to the thread we're working on in my reply at my IC box and we can pick it up there. I really want to RP it, not handwave it. My health just LOVES to kick up a fuss when I want something.

THank you for still being interested in it! 💕
2 years ago
eternalferret: It DOESSS!!!!! I'm slowly wading out of the hole it put me in
alrighty then! o7
Just Lore
2 years ago
/hugs! I'm fortunate to not be celiac, so I'm usually out of commission for a day or so. But I totally get it. hydrate and rest!
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