2 years ago
Only a bit more than a month since I last updated. I felt like it should be longer. Haha time flows differently in my head I guess.
latest #11
2 years ago
Been doing good personally. Professionally? Not so good. Let’s start with my personal growth/ life. Looking back to my past entries I mentioned a lot about not setting unrealistic expectations and enjoy the moment and tried to let go.
2 years ago
It was really hard. I can sense that in between the lines. But now I think I’m doing better. I started to express my gratitude generously. Saying thank you and giving out hugs and supports. I think everyone needs that, especially people nowadays are so stressed.
2 years ago
Romantically, I really enjoy my time with him. I like him getting close to me, like physically. Holding my hand, and waist, giving me hugs, putting his hand on my thigh/ knee, touching me... Nothing sexual, but I love that as it makes me feel he wants to get close to me as much as I want.
2 years ago
He bought me the ikea shark. I’m so happy and I’m hugging it while typing this entry. He’s so sweet. Protective, caring, but not restrictive. He would remind me to be careful, but he trust me enough that I can take care of myself. And he’d look out for me when he’s with me. That little gentlemen gesture. I love that.
2 years ago
And, that person, who hurt me to my core, came back. Texted me back after all this time, asking about my leg and sharing his life... all of a sudden. And also wanted to see me.
2 years ago
But then he disappeared again. Not sure what he’s up to.
2 years ago
I’d give him a round of applause, if he dare to say he wanna start again. That’s very brave of him especially after how he treated me months ago. He gave up first, while I still holding on a glimpse of hope... and if, at that time, he said he’d try again, I’d probably jump right back in. But he gave up first.
2 years ago
I think that’s ok if he felt like something’s wrong and wanted to call it off. Just the way of how he handled it- was shitty. Ghosting. The ultimate immaturity. Showing his inability to face a problem and consequences of a decision. Fuck that.
2 years ago
Now seeing me happy and healthy and all that shit. Or maybe his lonely and want someone to get close? So he dared to come look for me again? What am I? A toy for him to enjoy when he’s bored and toss away when he has new attractions? Sorry I’m not I have boundaries and self respect. And I’m way too valuable for that.
2 years ago
He wanna to meet me and I do wanna go and see what kind of shit he’s gonna say.
But strangely he disappeared for almost a week. Haha.
2 years ago
I had a fake scenario inside my head and rehearsing my speech to get all my anger out hahahahaha. Tbh I don’t really care if he’d reply and really ask me to hang out or something. He’s no longer my concern anymore, and i have better things to care about in my life. I don’t need him to be in my life. He can stay gone and I have 0 problem with that.
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