yeah look at me altruistically reminding people out of the goodness of my heart and not because im obsessed with playing with y'all
SOME OF US ARE USED TO AC BEING FIRST WEEK OF NEW MONTH and our habits are hard to kill
I TOTALLY GET IT really im p sure most everyone i saw without a july comment has all their shit, its just hard to remember to actually post it up sometimes
having that tracked for sweeps I totally know who hasn't done it yet
about to be shakedown time
I took a strike. It just has not worked out this month for me.
fully understandable, even knowing i was gonna be busy this month i still almost fucked up on sharky's end lol
if anyone is lacking a 10+ thread, both sharky and skulduggery have open posts you can hit up! action spam guarantees a faster tag speed on my end
I might tag you a little later, and if we don't get to 10, no worries <3
penbee: i definitely see you hitting 10 comments on that thread with lucius and stede!!!! (not that i'm deeply invested in the drama that you three get into or anything........)
you're already at 9 lol one more and you're good to GO
oh, huh. that works! in my mind, I was like... cannot use this because my big thread is also with stede, but I guess...technically it's that I have his open post
every time y'all are like "woe is me i do not have ac" i'm like "i can see your viable threads right there
it's right there" like i'm screaming at the screen during a horror movie
I'm sorry, cruiseparent. I am fail at thread tracking for ac
i set up a thread tracker for npc tags the first month and it lasted about that long
oh that is a feel. I'm very YES AWESOME ON IT at the start, but... I really just like setting it up, I think. then I forget one week to use it and ... forget it exists entirely
god SAME to both of you, i'm so bad at keeping up with those things
it's basically the equivalent of school planners, which i would diligently use for maybe a week
They look pretty! Look how useful it seems! I...put my name in it? I do think I used one semi well in college, but I also seem to prefer writing reminders on random pieces of paper that I sometimes misplace, but by virtue of having written it randomly I remember it better
it took
years to get in the habit of tag count plurks w/ links to each new thread i start, and even longer to get semi-decent at keeping a threadtracker up to date. and now i could not function without them
Forming that habit sounds daunting
i like rereading my threads so i keep them all
it was so hard, but now my lack of technical brain rejoices
i just chuck a link onto a page every time I tag someone the first time. so it's pretty easy
....and order them in ic chronological order bc i hate myself??? timelines are hard
I keep every notif. That’s how I end up looking for my ac
Also because sometimes I remember a thread by a comment or word, and will just search for it like that to reread
i definitely do that a lot of the time just typing in the subject of the post hoping i'll pull up the right comment thread
i need to start using the tagging system in game more often too to make it easier to find shit