2 years ago
there's going to be an information session at the end of september hosted by skulduggery! it was gonna be at the beginning of the month but i'm gonna wait til the end of the event
latest #211
2 years ago
bsically my goal in this will be to make a thread header with "INFORMATION FOR EVERYONE" so that we can all just dump any icly learned info there, and then ANYONE WHO WAS ON BOARD PRIOR TO THE MEETING can safely just assume they learned that information there
2 years ago
we HAVE to cut out some of this ic bullshit of skulduggery texting people who then have to text more people and blah blah blah
so i'm gonna make a point to encourage everyone to use that info post as a reference for plot things
2 years ago
i think a big hang-up is that so many characters show up and then players feel obligated to learn information "organically" but like. not all of our characters are like that!!!! so let's just. fix it

some of us play characters who just pick up on things that are around and we shouldn't need to have to trace down when someone learned something
2 years ago
so yeah everyone who has any ic'ly gained plot/lore knowledge, kinda keep an eye out for that
2 years ago
also i'm expecting there to start being some rifts between skulduggery and other passengers due to his "i'm saving everyone even the stupid guy who started this mess" attitude, so this will be a good way to get other "factions" up to speed before that starts happening
2 years ago
also 50/50 on if he's gonna divulge the mission to the group at large, we'll have to see what that's gonna be like

I have literally no idea whats gonna go down so!!! we'll see.
2 years ago
so for those of you out there who are desperate to get all the plot information so that you can engage in it more fully, this will be specifically for you B-)
2 years ago
end of september sounds good since...plot stuff happening and all that! it'll be really interesting to see what happens
Pen Again
2 years ago
thank you! i appreciate the idea of the info post since ...obviously learning things organically hasn't been working out so great for me personally or my character, so this is very helpful from an ooc standpoint in being able to be icly (and oocly) knowledgeable about things when obviously someone (ic and ooc) cannot be everywhere all the time
Pen Again
2 years ago
much appreciated and I look forward to this
2 years ago
I love this idea! I was just thinking today that we could probably also do with an ooc info post that collects all the game lore
Pen Again
2 years ago
regarding texts tho, Ed now has talk-to-text power at his fingertips, so while he still hasn't had his lesson on emojis, he is now able to communicate with you texty people a little
Pen Again
2 years ago
historein: also a good idea. I am willing to volunteer for coding or organization of info, but I don't know much of the lore myself, so I cannot help with info
2 years ago
are you thinking this will be info dump of everything a character knows with a sorta ooc POV or an ICly gathering with info sharing like we've done before?
2 years ago
penbee: oooooo awesome! tbh I think it would help to have an bare-bones wiki that people could then add entries to, and having someone set up something like that would be SUPER helpful!
Pen Again
2 years ago
ooo. are we talking an actual wiki or a post treated as such?
Pen Again
2 years ago
I haven't looked at wiki coding in a while. I'll have to revisit that XD
2 years ago
i can do a wikidot pretty easily if you guys want, once the information is compiled
2 years ago
historein: sort of both? a hybrid nascar-type event lmao. there's going to be a section for ic-based ooc infodumping like how we did the last one with the notes? the idea will be that everyone can use that section to refer to for ic info
2 years ago
tbh that's what i was doing with the last info post, just going back and looking at what characters wrote down
2 years ago
and then there will be a section to... probably confront skulduggery lmfao

and then open space/empty headers for people to gather under and have ic conversations
2 years ago
thank you! i way planning to make an ic kind of guide to stop like i did at my last game too but i've been struggling to find a starting point on that so this is perfect timing
2 years ago
and like, i'm just gonna say this: just fucking handwave if your character was there or can read the shit lmfao. illiterate characters can have someone read things to them, and characters who wouldn't come to the event can just handwave saying they circled through the room
2 years ago
some characters who ahve been here for AGES should know basic things! like "the cptain is looking for godhood and our souls are fuel for the ship" and "there were previous passenger groups" yk???
2 years ago
i wanna make sure everyone gets to have the chance to utilize information that has otherwise just ind of sat by
2 years ago
because i can't possibly have skulduggery follow up every lead by himself and then circulate that info to everyone. and i can tell that its getting frustrating for some people not to be able to say with 100% certainty what their kiddos know
2 years ago
we GOT THIS GUYS we'll sort it all out and everyone can just bookmark the thread of notes and bam, up to date
yeah this is good
i just... don't have time or energy to keep up like malcolm icly would
2 years ago
plus sometimes it's helpful just to have something like this as an ooc reference because I know I forget what my character's supposed to know all the time lmao
2 years ago
THIS WILL ALSO BE A GOOD TIME for people to form a possible pamphlet committee so that there can be a handwaved form of info for new players too
2 years ago
exaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly exactly
2 years ago
ive gotten to the point where skulduggery's had things explained to him 3 times b/c i haven't known whetehr he knew it until later ugh lmfao
2 years ago
2 years ago
LMAO god yeah, my rereading a thread like "wait oh shit she already knew that oops"
2 years ago
i laughed at pamphlet committee but it really is... i always have a hard time finding my footing plot wise so these sorts of meetings are really helpful
King of Games
2 years ago
plus there's a bunch of random things that aren't common knowledge:
the food doesn't go bad
there's no dirt
the barrier is 10 miles out
the walls of the cabins are metal
King of Games
2 years ago
Friday is made of blood and sand
there's no kitchens
there's no engine
Pen Again
2 years ago
the no engine is a bummer still
Pen Again
2 years ago
ed wanted to go see how it works!
Pen Again
2 years ago
Pen Again
2 years ago
boat goes zoom without a vroom
2 years ago
another thing ppl probably should learn: the boat doesn't move
2 years ago
it looks like it does b/c of how the waves move but if you stare out at a fixed point you can tell!!
Billie Sue 🌻 says
2 years ago
omg I had no idea
2 years ago
its one of those things that really only comes up occasionally and it doesn't actually affect anything too much so it really barely matters

but its good information anyway!
Billie Sue 🌻 says
2 years ago
but yeah all of this sounds good. it's definitely a little tough to track down as a newer player so I can't wait for this to go up +_+
2 years ago
i've also been wanting to go through the discord's faq channel to maybe get some key answers out of that to put up somewhere, buttttttt god that is way more work than i'd like tbh
2 years ago
the issue of magic clones is going to be an...interesting one... since it depends whether or not those who know that detail want the others to have an existential crisis
King of Games
2 years ago
I think only Cesar and Pratt know that the food isn't real?
2 years ago
yeah skulduggery is super on the fence about telling people but he's increasingly aware that if he DOES tell them, then they'll be more amenable to not fucking murking the whole ship. b/c there's no real "going home"
King of Games
2 years ago
and Pratt doesn't care so I'm not sure if that one will get out
2 years ago
King of Games
2 years ago
2 years ago
LMAO YEAH not the food one that might creep them out
2 years ago
hopefully people will be smart enough to understand "only divulge information your character would ic'ly divulge"
King of Games
2 years ago
I'm not sure if Cesar told anyone else. But those two know for sure.
King of Games
2 years ago
yeah Pratt ain't saying shit, so that's all Cesar.
2 years ago
but the clone thing is a hard one! rita is also reluctant because it's a whole upset to a lot of people's mindsets, even though it's important
2 years ago
that's cosmic horror for you baby

do we continue under the mistaken impression that we can return to who we used to be, even at the expense of our lives
or do we face the reality that we are someone new and different from the person we thought we were up until this point
King of Games
2 years ago
Also: Ody.
More people need to know about Ody.
Billie Sue 🌻 says
2 years ago
oh my god Ryan needs to find that out someday because otherwise his own assumptions are going to be entirely in the wrong direction
Billie Sue 🌻 says
2 years ago
the clone thing I mean I had NO idea
2 years ago
rita still isn't even sure how she feels about it besides still kind of unhappy. but skuls has the right idea there about potentially making folks more willing to...not just murk the captain
King of Games
2 years ago
everyone's characters now need to decide if they'd fuck their clones.
2 years ago
yes ODY too
Billie Sue 🌻 says
2 years ago
yes, of course
Billie Sue 🌻 says
2 years ago
not even a question
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
yeah it's tough so i can see the struggle ic bc on the one had existential crisis but other it's ripping the bandaid off bc it hurts more to have false hope the longer you have it
2 years ago
YEAH that part hurts too, since she started to give natsuno false hope about going to someone else's reality before they found out
2 years ago
oh that stings... yeah it's tough.
2 years ago
yep... so she's torn on the subject...
Pen Again
2 years ago
re the discord faq thing: are discord logs downloadable the way that AOL etc chat logs used to be saved to your computer?
Pen Again
2 years ago
if so, could maybe figure out a way to sort through it all, but I don't discord, so idek
Pen Again
2 years ago
but if so and someone can get me the transcript/log, I will attempt to make it into something more condensed
2 years ago
divinesaber: well.... not to be that guy but nobody has ASKED the captain if that's possible.
2 years ago
going to other people's realities may not be an impossible plan
2 years ago
you just can't go back to YOUR reality
2 years ago
yeah, it might still be on the table! just...not their own ones anymore (because by someone's reality she totally meant bringing him to hers)
2 years ago
lmao yeah exactly
Pen Again
2 years ago
I mean there are characters with those kind of world hopping powers... why not...
2 years ago
i looked, no way but third-party to download discord transcripts
it's fine, i can actually do way more through the app anyway than just ctrl+f
i'll figure it out
oooooooor people will just have to ask questions on the faq page more
Pen Again
2 years ago
^ please
Pen Again
2 years ago
PLEASE for those of us who do not disco
Pen Again
2 years ago
for whom disco is dead. PLEASE PUT QUESTIONS ON THE FAQ
Pen Again
2 years ago
Page, I mean. On the comm
2 years ago
wait, I don't think I know the clone thing!
2 years ago
that's what skulduggery was talking about w/ his time skip
2 years ago
it sin't clones exactly
2 years ago
but thats how rita took it lol
2 years ago
when he keeps saying "i am me but a different me but the same me" that's what he's talking about
2 years ago
soooo this might be what you mean bentsage, but I think it would be helpful to have a section of the post where people summarize (like, not in dialogue/narrative) what their character would share at the meeting! So you don't have to go through the a convo or a series of tags to get all the information.
2 years ago
oooohhhhh okay okay!
2 years ago
yep thats what i mean
2 years ago
literally aiming for bullet points
2 years ago
got it! that's not at all how I was using the "write stuff down" section of the last post so I was confused hah
2 years ago
im sure some people will want their notes to be more ic or more ooc depending on how much info they have to share, but that's essentially what i'm going for with this
2 years ago
so it can just be like [pal leaves a scribbly note that lists out the following info: 1 x 2 x etc]
2 years ago
or whatever, idk, you can literally do anything so long as you don't give out information your character doesn't know, traditional metagaming rules yk
2 years ago
also second the discord thing, I did not even know there was an faq!
2 years ago
there's a channel where we can ask questions. discord is definitely the main communication method in this game but we do try to share things that matter with plurk at large
2 years ago
oh okay cool. I really mean like having a section that is explicitly for summarizing oocly what your characters knows and shares at the meeting, whether they'd write it down, say it out loud, say it while riffing off of what someone else said, etc.
2 years ago
huh. I've been in the game for a while now and I honestly didn't know discord was the main comms venue. whoops.
2 years ago this is what we got goin on over there
2 years ago
i can 100% make both ooc and ic sections!! then everyone can fill out things however they want
2 years ago
and then once the info seems to have mostly been gathered one of us (idk who bee, me, god...) can go through and bulletpoint it and plop it on a page somewhere
2 years ago
I like it!
2 years ago
tbh I mostly just thought having an ooc section would make the compiling easier, hah
2 years ago
and just a quick rundown:
annoucements is just where mod links new posts
introduce-yourself is obvi
general is always a mess
plotting is slightly more on topic general
cruiseparent-a-query is where people ask random fucking questions
top-levels is where we link open posts/tls
memes are obvi
dice is for us to roll with the dicebot
2 years ago
the rest are obvious off-topic things (testicle things is nsfw)
2 years ago
historein: i think it will make things SO much easier. i'll make sure to have ic versions for people who are nerds but lbr, skulduggery and pal know SO MUCH LMFAO
2 years ago
gotta just write this shit out without worrying about it being in their ~voices~
2 years ago
loooool THIS EXACTLY ahahaha
2 years ago
also I'm bad at reading threads with lots of subthreads so I have a hard time catching up with the icly convos, even in the infodump posts
2 years ago
also penbee I have a soft spot for actual wikis, but the format can be whatever is easiest!
2 years ago
Character Directory - Kelly's Character Database this is about the extent of my wikidot knowledge, i can make links to pages and make a header lmfao
Pen Again
2 years ago
that is good tho! I think figuring out what pages and links we'll need will be easier when we have info or a rough idea of what data we're using.
Pen Again
2 years ago
I haven't done much with wiki coding yet, so I have no demos to show, but I can do other types of web coding and attempt to make it look shiny and such. I assume wikidot works as a free host?
2 years ago
yeah it's hella free, i made that years ago and haven't updated it in almost as long and its still there!!!
2 years ago
pre-brainstorming: i think having a section that serves as the "pamphlet" for new players would be good, so characters can hand out things to new players and just link to the page...
Pen Again
2 years ago
nice. and that sounds good. I can probably also make it look like a pamphlet, but I'll have to see what the site lets me do
Pen Again
2 years ago
arm Stede with some tape and the pamphlets will be everywhere
2 years ago
I love the idea of an ic pamplet
Pen Again
2 years ago
ok, I'll poke around with this over my weekend. I am dumb and love these kind of weird projects
2 years ago
nooooo it is not dumb, it is delightful
Stede will pamphlet it up
He can even do that as part of his monthly flier post
inviting new people to come get a pamphlet and a Q&A section
Icarian Habits
2 years ago
I am looking forward to dumping things into this. Because. Like.
because apparently Stede is the welcoming committee
and is perfectly mentally okay
2 years ago
finally, adverts clarke won't argue about. go stede go!!!!
Pen Again
2 years ago
darkersolstice: gimme some time to be dumb about layouts and setting things up and then I'll let you know where stuff can go
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
handsoplenty: oh i said i was going to do (ic) this if you wanna coordinate?
2 years ago
it's sumn i've been trying to do for a minute so it might be fun. or w/e, i'm not gonna fuss over it
Pen Again
2 years ago
pfle: handsoplenty: if you two have any either IC or OOC ideas regarding the pamphlet or its look, let me know, as that'll be the first thing (after the wiki itself is set up) I probably put together. Unless you mean you would like to actually make the pamphlet itself?
Stede just usually does a monthly flier thing
because I am a hack with limited ideas
2 years ago
oh no idm!! i just thought it would be a cute little cr opportunity if it was sumn you guys would be interested c:
Pen Again
2 years ago
I do not know what is going on, I apologize. I was just interested in helping since I do like coding and projects and...I just really want the info oocly somewhere I can find it
Pen Again
2 years ago
ICLY ed is not qualified to make pamphlets
Pen Again
2 years ago
so my contribution to the pamphlet is ooc only. but I don't want to step on any toes
I think we're just talking about distribution
2 years ago
OH OKAY i'm sorry if i'm coming off wrong on any of this.. long day on my part looks up, i really just meant it as a cute little coordination thing help
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
since hiyori can help w/ stuff like that and would be interested, but if i'm just like, misreading please ignore me!!
Pen Again
2 years ago
ok, so you mean IC only?
No no you're not I am just headahchy and struggling with reading comprehension XD
but just so I am clear what is it you're thinking Hiyori can do? and I enjoy coordinating so no worries there
I just need it written out
2 years ago
yes!! ic he can, and then ooc if you need help with getting it put together i did these for a couple games so i'm happy to help with that, i just likewise don't wanna step on any toes
2 years ago
basically whatever you need!! i'm always excited abt these kinds of things bc they're so helpful ic and ooc
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
meeting threads too, we did them here and there in yogen and they're a blessing so everyone here is a++
2 years ago
ok guys! just gonna put this here that we don't need to plan any of this yet as we don't even have it set up ooc'ly lol
2 years ago
also there are SEVERAL people ic'ly trying to put together pamphlets, so there will be a chance for an ic committee to be formed at the info sharing event
2 years ago
oh! you're right, sorry for derailing
2 years ago
appreciate all this go-getting i just don't want us to start getting like, overwhelmed by a project that can't even start yet!
Pen Again
2 years ago
yeah, the wiki won't be set up for at least a few days, maybe longer depending on how nitpicky I get with it, but I have a band of days off in Sept and hopefully should have it up by the time you are ICly hosting the info session
2 years ago
i'm expecting it to be sometime around/after the 20th, so that should give you pleeeenty of time
Pen Again
2 years ago
I just mainly wanted to check there if I was stepping on toes by taking this on. Or if they felt their characters would have particular IDEAS about how the pamphlet might be
2 years ago
i totally get that
Pen Again
2 years ago
but rn I am just at the brainstorming stage so I think I am going to do tags and stew on the concept and pen and paper it during downtime at work, if any XD Iike that'll happen at EOM, but one can wish
2 years ago
LMFAO vibes man, and again i definitely am not opposed to y'all planning whatever you want! i just want to clarify that i am onllllllly going to be focusing on the actual information event (i know that my inbox is going to DIE lmfao)
Pen Again
2 years ago
(gotta should start sorting out your email tags now, figure out some filter to keep that from taking over everuthing XD)
2 years ago
totally fair, thank you again for being willing to set that up! goodness your poor inbox tho
2 years ago
i figure it's really the least i can do! my character tends to be very active towards solving mysteries so he's accumulated a lot of the Lore, and i wanna share it with people
2 years ago
my goal is to inspire more people to start harrassing the captain and friday lmfao
2 years ago
since people seem to be like, hesitant to do that in meaningful ways? beyond just like "hey what's up"
having some legitimate leads that they want answers to should help
2 years ago
so for some characters they'll read that the captain has forgotten what he is and they'll be like rita and natsuno, trying to figure it out with the blastia
2 years ago
others will learn about friday being more talkative in the morgue and will want to ask her for private chats about jenny or the past
2 years ago
plus it'll be a good time for people to decide where their characters lie on the spectrum of "who to trust/follow"
its just gonna be a GOOD TIME FOR EVERYONE
Pen Again
2 years ago
Exactly. Cannot make decisions if not informed. And sometimes pursuing the info has felt sort of ... well, someone's already done this before, so I don't want to "relearn" this in order to get to the point of whatever we'd like to explore
2 years ago
i should make a post somewhere saying "if you want ic knowledge handwaved into your character's brain, come to me"
i can easily just tell people what skulduggery would tell THEM
2 years ago
the number of times i've had to write the fucking premise of the game to new characters lmfao
Pen Again
2 years ago
yeah, I bet.
2 years ago
i absolutely don't MIND but it makes like, half of my tags huge tl;dr recaps and i'm kinda wiped on it! i want people to come to skulduggery with new information lol
it's a blessing to have a character that's an idiot
2 years ago
This is a cool idea! It's nice to just have that info out there so you can assume your character knows it
2 years ago
one day people will actually ask the captain about returning to their reality and learn the incredibly stupid definition he has of that that's lead to some wonderful ic confusion
no one is confused about the captain being incredibly stupid
the groke
2 years ago
wonderful ic confusion and existential crisis
the groke
2 years ago
anyway, i just woke up so sorry if i missed anything in the comments but an ic infoshare resource sounds neat
the groke
2 years ago
years ago when i joined haven there was an ic book characters to add stuff to, which was very helpful for a new character who joined after a ton of plot happened
2 years ago
comesailaway: possibly going to be skulduggery at some point... but that would mean bringing up fio to the captain and he doesnt know if he can trust that shit : (
2 years ago
sillysymphony: THAT might be good, i think when we get closer to the time i'll make another plotting plurk for ic pamphlet/book/info-spreading stuff
so we can figure out how all of our ideas mesh together into a font of ic wisdom
the groke
2 years ago
sounds good!
the groke
2 years ago
counting the minutes until someone defaces the ic resource or adds balatantly wrong bullshit for laughs
Pen Again
2 years ago
/googles how to back up your wiki
Pen Again
2 years ago
if the act is purely ic that's fine, but just don't deface the ooc parts since it IS meant to be useful and idk how easy it would be to restore if actually defaced
the groke
2 years ago
oh for sure
the groke
2 years ago
i was just amused by. obscene doodles on the margins or someone saying the captain has allergies. obviously the goal is to be helpful
2 years ago
doodles of the capt himself but in true form, so it's just black squiggles
2 years ago
ooh I'm definitely curious to know what the captain's actual thought process on returning to their realities is rita sucks at asking him anything because she has negative patience lmao
2 years ago
and i love her for that
2 years ago
I'm so glad, haha
2 years ago
>reminds herself to be calm
>immediately rages like 90% of the time
2 years ago
divinesaber: rita is so much FUN!!! her constantly high aggro meter is just the best to watch and play against
2 years ago
aw, thank you! the calm adults just getting so exasperated is A+
rita runs at 100% when it comes to everything all the time....and we know this and we love her
also oh man i cannot wait to see how the clone theory ends up being possibly clarified/debunked in the future too ?! funnily enough jade is now also running with the clone mindset rn thanks to how rita explained it to him + his own uh, internal biases,
aka clones are his life and apparently this even haunts him on this fuckin boat too like sure why not!! why wouldn't they be replicas!!! this is karma, surely
dimensional timeline-physics is not his field but clones are ok, surely anybody could have this confusion right...!
2 years ago
it's such a perfect storm of issues for jade...I love that it's turned out this way
2 years ago
so much love for this disaster
2 years ago
oh my god I saw the regain for his "spare parts" LMAO amazing...
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