And apparently I'm MTing for BOTH groups. Mostly because the WAR from the one group doesn't think they want to, and it's bonkers to me that they're going to have a WAR tank and let them NOT MT, but w/e, I don't run the zoo and I am PERFECTLY HAPPY TO NOT RUN THE ZOO.
Like, yes sir/ma'am, I will do the thing, just please for the love of god tell me what to do and don't make me lead the thing. I am SO TIRED of having to lead the thing.
I'm currently project managing, I am not even exaggerating here, FOUR major projects in my work life. And I am just SO FUCKING GRATEFUL that I don't have anything to manage in game.
I will say I definitely can take on one, but two might be a tiny stretch or one of them might end up delayed-- but I don't mind having both if you wanted, etc.