2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
[rp] Get really into a game for the first time in ages, and just before the first event, the person who was the Awful Mod who was the reason I left another great game (and is. painfully mediocre to boot) joins.
latest #6
2 years ago
I won't leave but jfc why are you still a thing
2 years ago
(it's IJ not DW so no one will know probably, but still not namedropping)
2 years ago
at least I'm playing from such tiny fandoms that the odds of her wanting to join my casts is small
2 years ago
also why the hell are there like 4 people in this part of the community who have Jen-something in their handle. folks.
2 years ago
at least hers was unique enough it stuck in my head as 'oh that horrible two faced asshole'
2 years ago
(yes I did login in for the first time in ages just to yell into the void abouti t bc goddsammit)
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