2 years ago
ERIDAN OPEN POST - argue with him over hoarding food! ask him about hair care! drink with him so he doesn't look so pathetic! murder him on sight!
latest #6
2 years ago
Rofl a wide variety
2 years ago
"No seeing his friends again - thankfully" lmfao it's 5 am and I died of lulz I love him so much
2 years ago
LMFAO RIGHT he's like "boy i sure am glad i will never have to be held accountable for MY actions!"
LOL he's out here finding the silver lining, and the silver lining is "nobody will hold me to account for my crimes"
2 years ago
just so long as he doesn't get so drunk that he blurts everything out to everyone who bothers him in tauva, he should be fine!
2 years ago
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