[RL/Politics] He seems nice https://images.plurk.com/2zAqbv6WblcfJ4oU9Tcrqh.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2Fs5waty0kEZRBApxKQ4bE.jpg
latest #28
unoiled snake
2 years ago
the shit I've seen since moving to Pennslytucky has truly been a sight
can never trust someone using that fake calvin sticker
IMDb Cooper
2 years ago
the crabbin' sticker having the position of prominence is killing me
"Be vewy vewy quiet
I'm hunting libtards"

is I think my favorite (you can see it better in the second photo, it's the one between "Blue Lives Matter" and "Impeach Biden" on his rear window
because it's the least tired of conservative own the libs talking points on his car
emileesaurus: he has it on his car twice (the other is on his bumper)
I guess libs don't crab
sure, guys, copy your quotes from our famous cartoon rabbit fucker
a true conservative role model
and i never noticed he had more goddamn signs on his side window until I went to block out his license plate just now
Pinky Hood
2 years ago
Blue lives matter until there's a Capitol to be stormed right?
excuse you that was a peaceful protest not like those riots that have turned Seattle or Portland or whatever into nothing but an uninhabitable smoking crater! (/s just in case)
chocolateisbrainfood: the Calvin peeing sticker is just so fucking lame. it was lame 20 years ago its even more lame now
Pinky Hood
2 years ago
Exactly! But seriously, wow. Those stickers are almost hilariously stereotypical
and don't conservatives unironically think Elmer Fudd is getting canceled by woke lib sjws for some reason?
angriestbird: I'd almost think this is satire if it wasn't something I saw proudly driven on the road in a deeply red part of the state
i have no idea honestly but it sounds like something they would believe
I feel like I read that somewhere. Maybe because of the gun?
IDK I can't keep up with all the shit we're supposed to be canceling. They really should start adding it to our weekly newsletter
Pinky Hood
2 years ago
Along with our Soros checks
seriously! I have half a mind to call the head office about the backlog of money they owe me
Pinky Hood
2 years ago
Right?! I thought we liberals are supposed to be rich (LOL)
☼ zinnia
2 years ago
y'know, my personal rule is that if someone has more than 3 bumper stickers on their car, they are Probably someone who feels too many things. this person is not disproving the point
I mean you aren't wrong
☼ zinnia
2 years ago
i feel like i could've worded that better, but yeah my dude may want to consider leaving some space to see other drivers through the rearview mirror
2 years ago
My dad has gone to a gun show and he felt the prudence to remove his 2006 and 2012 Obama bumper stickers
2 years ago
where he’s going (Alabama) he felt it’s not safe any more to show off any Democrat bumper sticks
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