i'm going to liveplurk in here instead of doing it on twitter as a way to rechristen this account!
i think this is the best quality i've found it in so far
i hope this one isn't as good as i've heard because then i'll have yet another film i want to gif
the struggle is so real though, same shit happened to me with that airbnb in tokyo lol
at least she has a car though
i thought that was mr. schue but it's actually bill skarsgard
i mean if bill skarsgard was in my airbnb...
is this going to be like creep?
i would be dead so quickly because i would be too polite to him lol i wouldn't even be able to say no
i was gonna say i'm naive and would trust but actually no i wouldn't, getting in this situation i would just like leave and find something else if i could lol
or if i had a car just sleep in my car before staying with a strange man
i do be getting creep vibes but like wet creep instead of creepy creep
not a basement girl you know better
i mean what can you do at that point but please
this is too much bro i'm sweating
i don't think he's going to make it...
i had a dream like this once though
honestly at this point i would sit down and let death come
i wonder if it's like he's bait to lure the airbnb guests down there and they research the people before they come so that he knows about them and can play into it
jesus christ that wasn't even scary but the sound and him walking like that jesus chrsti
well i guess i was wrong about that part!