(it's a joke don't worry - this student has taken a class with me before and is trying to make me laugh)
but it worked
I have a lot of repeat students in this group and I'm like ";-; you like me??"
That is so sweet aaaaah it's always so nice when someone comes to you on purpose. Like they know you and still want to see your face and have you teach them stuff? That's great.
I suspect I also am gaining a reputation for being easy because one of the repeat faces got a pity pass last semester
but eh it's a mixed enough group that I have to shoot for the middle so I don't lose the people who went pale at the idea of reading more than one book
i'm sitting here like "student, if you can validate this feeling with sources, jessie will accept it"
but i'm glad they are in joking with you!!
lmao I absolutely will accept it
LOL omg. that's a helluva response
that's really nice you have this kind of comraderie with your students ;; what a good feel
one of them just left and when it was just us in the room she blurted out "YOU'RE JUST LIKE WHAT THEY SAID ON RATE MY PROFESSOR" and I'm like "oh god what did they say about me D:"
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
I'm curious but I've done a lot of damage to myself on that website and decided I prefer not knowing what students say about me there
apparently the gossip is that I'm chill
the gossip here is that I am a hardass lol
I cannot picture that
well, I mean I kinda am. I am stricter than some of the others but I can be fun if they are pulling their weight? might get a bit pissy if they are not doing anything xD
yeah, I get pissy too. I fully yelled at some people last semester
grown men twice my size crying
they sound like they had it coming.
haha, I rarely get those here since our oldest usually are like 18 but I do that too
mostly I think I am not strict enough lol
not sure which part of this gem is my favorite 🧐🤔
maybe the assumption that federal agents would be totally down for a good old fashioned book burning?
maybe the line about "fuck [they] hit different"?
idk, the whole damn thing is just gold lmao
I would absolutely give full points for this answer.
"I don't try and justify my intelligence to you" fkjafkla
LOL yeah, Northanger Abbey is about a Hermione Granger type that is like "books are better than people and I have no patience for human interaction" and then she bumps into a victorian romance and it's all over
that's a fully valid reading of that quote even without the aid of having context for it
hey!!! I'm deep in the trenches of toddler life but overall ok lol
also lmfao "that's a fully valid reading of that quote"
let me uh. just read it one more time here...
I mean. maybe not proportional
but "fuck you Jane Austin you're not the boss of me" is a valid way to react
toddler life though!! that's a lot of baby
lmfao ok ok I'll give you that
my uncle had a baby a year ago and he's in the "basically is a cat" phase rn
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
sitting up and staring at you like he's judging everything but is probably just trying to psychically compel you to bring him snacks
I don't think mine ever had that phase but it's a cute one
and yes God yes so many snacks lol
mine is in the talks up a storm and wants to learn about everything phase, which I enjoy
my uncle's wife and I are both cat people so it's like "dangly things and crinkle toys we've got this!"
she pretends to be a different baby animal each day, and must be referred to by that name, as in Baby Badger, Baby Rat, etc
I bet you're adorable omg
baby badger oh my god precious
she was a Baby Fire Truck the other day, which I think might be my favorite "animal" so far
she gave her wet diaper a pat and informed me, "baby fire truck pee"
still doesn't sleep much but we'll get there, maybe
but how are you? when you're not defending "Jane Austen you pretentious prick" I mean
I'm hanging in there! life got dramatic, then health got dramatic, then roleplay got dramatic, so I'm currently in a "manage your energy" phase
that's a lot of dramatics
good for you for knowing when to pull back tbh
working on a game setting, putting the Legos together one by one and eventually I'll be like "look at my Lego house do you want to play with your dolls inside of it"
ooh that's such a nice phase
and everyone will knock down your door to throw their Barbies into a big heap on your living room floor lol
yeah I'm changing the things that are in my power to change
I like that mentality a lot
I think you'd do an excellent job. you've got all the right skill sets
would love to hear more about it when you're ready to share
I mean!!! I hope to accept barbies from all over! but then it's like "maybe I should be prepared for lots of barbies but also realistically plan for like 4 barbies"
you will have more than 4 Barbies lol
oh its not a secret I've been taking feedback in a public plurk while I work on it
super messy and unfinished but
this is what I've got so far
me pulling it up like omg is that Clark fucking gable
Clark gable is your evil overlord and he frankly does not give a damn
casino and hotel yes yes yes
corruption and secrets, yes
so it's like an upstairs downstairs hotel California vibe?
I think it works as a sandbox atm (I don't think the locations page is linked to nav yet but it's the most recent post in the community. what's there at least
VERY unfinished)
"Can my character buy weapons?
The Elysium does not have any shops which provide any weapons beyond novelty items for children. However, there is a thriving black market, and certainly someone with an eye for seedier spaces might come to meet some seedier people"
oh I didn't finish my actual sentence - I think it works as a sandbox and I have events in mind but I'm struggling to thread the needle in terms of like. "how much metaplot needs to happen here" and "what is characters' motivation"
lmao there's always someone who wants to know if they can get weapons and do a murder
I've only modded twice but struggled w those myself so yeah
look I don't need to do the murder lol
it's in my head!!! but people aren't psychic and I need to get it out of my head and explain it in a way that isn't overbearing
but you can't play the joker and not have weapons and seedy people in play
and like. "how does this translate into something I can have threads about"
I was originally going to have a tdm up around now for apps in February but lol it's not ready yet still so it'll keep being in limbo until I'm ready to announce it in a more formal way
yeah, makes sense to wait for a full launch until you feel ready
but I'm proud of you! it looks good
time to make another meal for my Baby Hungry Bear lol but thank you for sharing! I'll read it in more detail when I have a little more time, but so far looks great
feed the beast and give her a hug!