what grade level is this?
college comp 2
this is a college paper? wow
/squiiiiiiiiiint......... squinting on several levels tbh
compoundeyes: oh it's just a regular homework. I hate quizzing people so I ask them to give a quote and a paragraph of analysis
but I ask for 150 words and this paragraph ended up being 149 exactly. Chances are the last two sentences were tacked on to meet the word count
"I have nothing else to say so I might as well be weirdly racist"
honestly that theory makes sense because there's so much here that's just. wow...
i'm in absolute disbelief on how horrendous this is
there's a lot of conservatism in this university and sometimes they say things that I'm just like. "we need to unpack this but I don't have time in this class to tell you all the ways your line of thinking is broken"
usually they just throw weird sexism/misogyny at me
and look for every opportunity to blurt out something about how women are liars trying to tear down men's dignity
it just reads like how younger students will literally repeat back the set up of the question
I have to be REALLY careful about what I ask them to read to sidestep those convos
at the whole 'no one else but Jewish people would hate Nazis'
I settled on this for feedback "Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that everyone was kind of in agreement that nazis are bad..."
it's graded on the basis of "did you do it" so I can't fail it, sadly
can't wait to get to Ms Marvel and hear this dude's takes about muslims and immigration
this class in general is pretty F-tier. they don't talk to me AT ALL and I end up blowing through my lecture material too quickly and have to end class early
"are you sure" is the most diplomatic response
I have both the age and the institutional power in this relationship
reasons why i could never teach
I mean I still don't identify as a teacher I could never do THAT
I can't fathom talking to parents on top of the rest
I remember when I was in my undergrad and a teacher told us not to have our parents call him or he would laugh and hang up on them and I was just like "???? parents??? college???" but apparently it happens
i'm a trainer but it's not quite the same
LOL I started in 2013 and I have been approached exactly twice
both times some parent was like "WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MY KID'S PERFORMANCE TELL ME THEIR ASSIGNMENTS" and both times I was like "I'm sorry ma'am, but there's professional confidentiality at play. I have to have these conversations directly with the student and not with their parents"
and it felt GREAT because they were so mad
the same joy you get from "yes ma'am, I
am the manager
as someone who works in higher ed admin, it is nice to just go "FERPA" and end things there
saruzake: me, not realizing there was a shorthand for it"
so one thing that gives me A LOT of trouble as an ESL speaker in both terms of vocabulary and culture is finding the correct equivalent in age and education level when I hear English terms for it, especially since I feel like it's a set of terms with a lot of "false friends" like for example I'd strongly associate the term college with adult education but
yes, it assumes that the student is an adult who has completed grade 12, usually aged 17-19 but who might be an older student returning to education after a break
reading the text I have to assume that "college comp 2" is like a weird American term for when kids start elementary school, like, for someone around 7 years of age?
no I think my version is correct I'm very confident here
usually there are general studies requirements for new university students. In some cases, they aren't allowed to take classes within their major until they've completed composition 1 and 2
also hang on I have an appropriate spray paint for this somewhere
they don't get into comp 2 without completing composition 1, but a lot of us are guilty of pity-passing someone who is producing terrible work but who hands in every assignment
(Against Nazis - In Graz and anywhere else)
yeah we have College Writing 1 and 2 at my university, and students can test out of 1
but it is the course(s) you fulfill as a general requirement to graduate
yeah there are also usually some things you can do in high school to qualify for college credit/pass college prerequisites
I took 4 years of high school Spanish and only tested out of college Spanish 1
meanwhile I got shade from every spanish 1 professor who's ever tried to teach me because nobody believed that I struggle with the basics
over there using babelfish to translate my essays because my vocab is garbage
but they would look at me and go "well obviously YOU speak fluid spanish why are you lying on your placement exam"
language is hereditary apparently, and passed down through curls
omg that reminds me of a teacher we had in an English lit class at uni. one of his parents was austrian and he was born here and lived here as a young child but then moved to the UK and it was SO FASCINATING to hear him speak German because his pronunciation was FLAWLESS but his vocab and grammar were a dumpster fire
From what I gathered he'd stopped using German at a very young age when he moved away and didn't really pick it up again until he was an adult, pronunciation came easy to him, the rest not so much - AT LEAST THAT'S HOW HE TOLD IT, for all I know he could have been bullshitting us for entertainment, but it seemed believable at the time
LOL that's how I feel when I try to speak Japanese
but yes wow Jessie, way to neglect your cultural heritage of..... a dictionary?!
I say hello and people respond to me like they're relieved they don't have to worry about English and then I'm like "I would like buy?" and they're like "....oh sweetie ok I'll speak slowly to you"
my accent in Spanish is terrible so I understand a lot more than I can speak in reply
it's just easier to answer in english and have both of us find a place in the middle where we KIND OF understand what's happening
so I can pass a translation test pretty easily but if I have to COMPOSE something in spanish I'm like "bruh what?"
the Joy (TM) of active versus passive vocabulary
when I did the Disney College Program, I once had a Spanish-speaking guest point at my nametag and go "your name is Alicia how do you not know Spanish"
I used to get a lot of "where you from? your family didn't respect your country?"
I probably would still get a lot of that but now I can order groceries on an app and not interact with humans so why even leave the house
because I am Whitey McWhiterson and not A-lee-see-uh u_u
also probably didn't help that my high school Spanish teacher has us almost exclusively focus on reading and we never practiced speaking
okay if you were in the midwest I might assume true ignorance but aren't you in NYC???
like if you're a college freshman who somehow got out of high school thinking the nazis were a niche issue and had never met even one Jewish person in your life... maybe...???? but in NYC? No?????
I MEAN it isn't surprising to think that there's pretty extreme conservatism in certain communities of color
that plus the ways marginalized groups are pitted against one another in very specific ways, and you get people growing up thinking this line of thinking is both normal and acceptable
they haven't been challenged yet
this... is making me sick reading it. even without the last few lines. this is lacking so terribly when it comes to emotions. how? how???
and then it's also just very badly written as well.
"it must be written by a Jewish person because only a Jewish person could have problems with a Nazi" EX
the Romani people and literally anyone with a disability would like to have a word with you, sir or ma'am
not to mention that like. WE SHOULD ALL HAVE PROBLEMS WITH NAZIS
but there were so many victims you can't just
I'm sorry. I think I may have had a stroke.
I made
extra sure to talk to that class today about the poet's extremely Protestant upbringing
but I also got a lot of people saying that they just skipped the nazi poem because they didn't want to think about the holocaust
which is like... I see where they're coming from but also why are you making deliberate decisions to not learn things in college?
that those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it
had to delete a full capslock rant just now
suffice to say I am glad I am not in your classes as a student because I think I would physically accost some of these people
I just. God I have REALLY strong feelings. about this. my grandfather served in the infantry in world War 2 as a camera man
and he went into one of the camps
I've seen the pictures of just. mountains of shoes.
we tried to turn in his pictures to one of the holocaust museums but they didn't want them without his testimony. but he was traumatized and couldn't bring himself to talk about his experiences. right up until a few years before he died, then he changed his mind, but we couldn't find the pictures anymore....
I think it haunted him until he died.
anyway sorry just.
no, get it out! these stories are important to share
just that sense of. "this horrible thing happened and everyone just went on with their lives and how did any of us not stay in this fury forever???"
the young ones are scary. it's so telling how little gets taught at a young age and the unwillingness to grow
but that's definitely a societal issue and people getting pitted against another
"i am drawing this conclusion because i wasn't taught otherwise and i also don't have the emotional investment because clearly it doesn't affect me"