1 years ago
just woke up after a really rough dream...
latest #9
1 years ago
we were in Texas for some reason, in the van, and my brother was driving. we were supposed to be going to a Target but then I realized we were in the parking lot at the Texas Renn Faire?
1 years ago
my brother hadn't said anything about wanting to go so we let him go and then had to try to get to where we needed to go.
1 years ago
we ended up at this weird road stop, with a fruit seller, an event space, coffee house, boarding house, and asian grocery? we met up with a different group of friends and went to go find a place to hangout
1 years ago
I got separated from everyone and was trying to find anyone and then found my Sophie ( by this point I should have known it was a dream, since no one had texted me at all.)
1 years ago
then we went to the Asian Grocery to get fancy pudding mix? And I got pick-pocketed in the line
1 years ago
and then some guy tried to ask me out right after I got robbed and was trying to cancel my credit card, and I told him to fuck off.
1 years ago
I have not been so relieved to wake up in a while...
1 years ago
/pap pap/
1 years ago
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