You will know that Solanaceae likes you. They will spend time with you. They'll take time out of their day to help you with their problems. Usually with... oddly prescient knowledge of what's bothering you, but they're genuinely willing to listen. You probably get the impression that while they've heard a lot of this before...
Also the gifts. Dear god, the gifts. Constantly. Whether it's a special occasion or not. Weird shit, too, just like. Rocks and seeds and eggs they found out in the world? This pretty rock is the same color as your eyes, it made them think of you, they know you love fruit so they brought you some wild edibles, etc
He'll spend time around you, silent and engaged in His Own Thing but still present. He'll argue with you- all the god damn time- but over time his tone will get less annoyed and more... confident. Almost playful. Like this is just fencing and he's enjoying himself. (Because he is)