yukifujita sente
15 years ago
latest #18
aNnE diz
15 years ago
same here. :-&
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
basementghost: yeah. the fact that i just woke up led to my boredom led me to creat a plurk, which led me to meet you! see the theory here?
Darkie diz
15 years ago
(LOL) another brazilian plurker basementghost
aNnE diz
15 years ago
yukifujita: yes yes. chaos theory in action. well thank heavens you're bored...otherwise we wouldn't have met. (LOL)
aNnE diz
15 years ago
darkhuntress: brazilian? :-o
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
basementghost: indeed!
Darkie diz
15 years ago
basementghost we have a brazilian plurker of japanese descent here.. meet yukifujita
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
lol hai o/
aNnE diz
15 years ago
brazilian plurker of japanese descent? cool! haha. this is one thing i love about plurk. (LOL)
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
lol nice! just did my profile and i'm liking it already [=
Darkie diz
15 years ago
really? tell me when you finish.. me and basementghost will check it out
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
lol dunno what else to change. i think its fine now xD i can change my pic later though
aNnE diz
15 years ago
try plurklayouts.com if you want customized layouts B-) i'm clueless about this stuff so i just download layouts there
aNnE diz
15 years ago
btw, where did you learn about plurk? :-D
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
from a friend in twitter. lol asked to add me on plurk via msn. do u have msn btw?
aNnE diz
15 years ago
yukifujita: i have ym. lol. but i can add msn contacts as well. :-P
yukifujita diz
15 years ago
wow dunno about that. hahaha add me then [email protected]
aNnE diz
15 years ago
sure :-D
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