Is Kainé's worst nightmare
Blackout with no sun means her Shade is in power. She's gonna go full shade. Anyone able to kill her?
Then the confession, she already hates herself and doesn't want the city finding out about things... but also lives on the beach...
So just... RIP Kainé for this event lol
Why do I feel Nier will have to do the dirty work again...
Guess who I plan on drowning
Bones does have sedatives . . .
Nier can’t save you if you drown Gokudera... he drowns himself... not knowing how to swim for the lose.
fuckinteenagerswimmers hmm... I mean maybe I could make an exception. IDK though. If she's fully transformed there are only two ways, kill her or have Emil help. But Emil is...
Ok there's one more. Ask Nier about that one
i mean he'd be happy to help out however, but just saying XD
Kicking her ass is only the first step lol
soulseer Hyth would be able to see that the 'evil' soul is dominant with her soul imprisoned
then you gotta figure out what to do then
stab her through the heart? Or somehow bring her back.
i mean once she was down, he'd just ask nier what to do XD
I already stabbed her through the heart once. Gonna fuck the boy up again to make him do it again.
We could be cheesy and bring her back with the power of love
Maybe have her run amok for most of the time until the lights come back on
i wonder if hyth could kill her.... like he's pretty strong for all he says he isn't, lol. and if he thought emet would get hurt by her he'd just be like NOPE NOT TODAY
IDK He might be able to take her out.
It might take both Hyth and Emet LMAO
hyth and emet would be interesting
Them fighting her together? But we've seen them fight together lol. In the 57 dungeon lol
yeah but in that dungeon they were nerfed. them fighting like that was literally at limited power lol
then again dup nerfs them too
He can swim he’s not telling anyone he’s out there
Doesn’t wanna share his confession
Kainé and Nier LIVE out there lol
Her fighting normally (and this is without Tyrann)
hmm... it's not loading...
Kainé will save Gokudera and then kick his ass for good measure
but she can try
Then she'll kick his ass 3 days later
I'm sad Jamil won't remember her or Nier atm since he literally can make light
Meanwhile Vani just loving her Shade form too much to stop it
if anything, he would encourage it
And Nier is scared of the dark. He sleeps with the light on.
So this is gonna suck all the way around for him.
Her Shade form is:
I have no idea what the event is and probably won't be able to look until tomorrow night, so I'll let you know