coochie scarf
1 years ago
teets: yeeted
latest #10
coochie scarf
1 years ago
happy pride, y'all
1 years ago
coochie scarf
1 years ago
i will say, (not quite) one day in, the recovery process is nowhere near as bas as i was worried it'd be
coochie scarf
1 years ago
the first time i had Major Surgery i was 19 and had no concept of chronic pain and now it's like "idk, i could go get groceries, sure"
dragula kisser
1 years ago
hap pride and grats on less scary recovery
coochie scarf
1 years ago
well partly, it's because the meds they sent me home with last time were horrible
coochie scarf
1 years ago
they no longer give people percodan, by the way. thankfully.
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