( IRL ) you ever have one of those moments you realize you may be too intense for some people, bc you're genuinely a feral bitch?
latest #16
just got home from being out this evening, walking downtown with a friend of mine, and it's dark bc it's night
she's getting nervous and asks me "how are you able to walk so confidently with me?"
most people would be like "oh it's the pacific northwest, it's not that dangerous" or something else
what does my dumbass do?
stop and spit out the razor blade i was hiding in my mouth
i mean she laughed and didn't panic, but i did realize after a minute that maaaaaaybe that scares people
LMAOOOO I'd have loved that tbh
there are two monsters raging inside of me, one of them is heavenly and the other is off-script elmo
scathe has known me 15+ years and can confirm
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
I mean...my answer would've been that I know several places to hit to one shot the average person, so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask? Or the right person XD
i mean i'll also laugh if you kick the crap out of me. you'll regret doing it bc i'll have your kneecaps, but it's happened and lemme tell you, hysterical laughter scares people 😭
can confirm, i know a bad bitch when i see one
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Kneecaps are one of the places I'd recommend!
E.S. Levi
1 years ago
Also just a few inches under the sternum, that'll knock the wind out of them.
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