1 years ago
Let's play a game, Plurk. It's called "Do I assume there's not actually a giant bug in my bedroom because my vision is really shitty, or do I shut myself into the bathroom for a few hours just in case?"
latest #42
1 years ago
Cast your votes now, I already hosed my wall and desk with Raid and retreated
the reasonable answer is a, but I feel like b is likely--
(I would have the same panic, you are in good company)
1 years ago
Hhhhhhhhh /hides behind
1 years ago
/hides with you, brandishing a giant broom
1 years ago
If there actually is one, I have no idea where it is now
pats a lot
9 times out of 10, there is never ever a bug, at least
1 years ago
Usually not
1 years ago
But there actually WAS a huge one once, and now I'm traumatized forever
1 years ago
Fucking Texas doesn't need to have the biggest EVERYTHING
hkahsdugr yeah
gjkfghjdfg uuuuuugh ;-; i hate this, you are totally valid to create a new life in the bathroom bc i would do the same thing
1 years ago
I can eat soap and worship the toilet, maybe make little towel animals as fellow villagers, it'll be great
1 years ago
I hear the TV, hopefully the light being left on didn't wake him up at fucking 4:30
1 years ago
But I'm not sure how it would've if me screeching like an hour ago hadn't
1 years ago
this sounds terrifying
1 years ago
I'm too fucking disabled for this shit at Ass Fuck O'Clock in the morning TBH. I'm legally blind, I could just be terrifying myself over nothing at all.
1 years ago
We've been infested with gnats for days on end now, I'm already jumpy as fuck
1 years ago
Yiiikes. >.<
Wish I could help you get a less bug-y place or something. /snugs
1 years ago
The bad news, there actually WAS something and now I kinda wanna scald all my skin off and move to Alaska. The good news, I stomped the BEJEEZUS out of that motherfucker.
1 years ago
Still probably not gonna sleep tho, my kingdom for getting the fuck out of this state /snugs
oh NO
1 years ago
If anything else attacks me at least it won't be That Specific Pne
1 years ago
1 years ago
Hour and a half in the bathroom was definitely justified though
yeah fhajksdhugr
I am glad it is dead and gone at least but sorry for your bug trauma 8[
1 years ago
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
I walked through a spiderweb at my front door after reading this plurk and spent like 3 hours cursing the fact it was too late at night to shower and be sure it wasn't on me
1 years ago
having vision problems really makes the bugs issue a game of chance, I totally get you.
1 years ago
I'd have spontaneously crawled out of my flesh suit TBH
1 years ago
/sad handshake meme
1 years ago
I'm told when my great aunt first started having eye floaters she AGGRESSIVELY flipped her shit and disrupted a whole ass dinner party because she thought some fist sized flying thing had dove into her salad, and if that isn't an entire mood IDK what is
don't move to Alaska, mosquitoes are bigger in Alaska
if you're having a gnat problem tho I cannot recommend a Katchy enough
it doesn't work on anything bigger than gnats and other little floaty bitty bastards, like it's not strong enough for house flies, but it will absolutely vacuum all your gnats out of the air. just put it by the sink and leave your bananas nearby
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
yeah the floaters have made my mom a whole new person and we don't even have bug phobia in this family
1 years ago
uuuuuuugh how deep into Antarctica would I have to go to be rid of this shit I swear to fucking god
1 years ago
I've been having a rolling meltdown for like 2 weeks dealing with these motherfuckers everywhere, I'm not sure if it'd be better or worse having the issue mostly be solved but I'd have to change a filter that freaked me the fuck out.
ugh oh no
I will check later if you can just press a button and drop the sticky pad into the trash without touching it
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