1 years ago
[rp things I guess] Hey so remember six weeks ago when I was like "wouldn't it be fun to set a jamjar in an eldritch cult" haha so funny right
have a game premise and some setting information I think this might be turning into A Thing
latest #99
1 years ago
It occurred to me that October would be the ideal time to have fake people live in this world and that got me working on it in earnest
1 years ago
Will I finish it? Will I steel myself enough to actually open it without turning into a pillar of salt first? Shrug emoji. But I wrote some stuff and am probably going to continue writing some stuff.
inadequate tits
1 years ago
go jessie go!!
1 years ago
omg. look at you!
1 years ago
thanks, friends! I hope that encouragement is like "oh that sounds cool I would like to play there" (LOL)
1 years ago
it does sound very cool! I am generally not sure if games are a thing I should do anymore but maybe I have just had a bad run
1 years ago
I mean, that's a feel I very much understand (gestures to the last 12 months of my grousing (LOL) )
1 years ago
I am sorry to hear it. do not wish it on anyone.
I am still looking for a game that feels like this is made for ME
1 years ago
what kind of a game would you look for if you could be self-indulgent and just cater to yourself?
1 years ago
A gen focused game, probably slice of life heavy but with an underlying plot that adds some mystery? That people can interact with. That people can affect and thus also change/influence the direction the game is going in?
1 years ago
I am describing the most boring premise ever
1 years ago
But it can ... have a fun setting I guess? Like. Make it noir or set in ancient Rome? in space? a mythical setting?
1 years ago
I mean you're also describing something similar to the premise in my toplevel. (LOL) "go live on a commune and make your own fun and that's optionally disrupted once a month with some Weird Shit"
1 years ago
there's just also free reign for being to go full telenovella or tentacle porn if that's their aesthetic
inadequate tits
1 years ago
idk if i have the spoons for a third game and eldritch stuff isnt really my jive but i can poke around and see if something clicks <3 also your navigation has applications listed twice!
1 years ago
haha I am. I noticed that too lol
1 years ago
full telenovela
1 years ago
I now wanna know about the death and rebirth section lol
1 years ago
fontech: It does! Most of the nav page is still a placeholder. I'm still thinking of doing that thing where I let people app as non-new characters and haven't decided if that's a section on the app page or if it needs to be its own page independently (thinking)
1 years ago
Yzaksama: oh basically the mechanic is like "if you die you come back but you're not the same". So if you have powers they start trickling back to you but you lose home memories / might be more likely to buy into the stuff the weirdo religious folks start feeding everyone as the concept of "home" feels less home-y
1 years ago
and people will be able to do "rituals" / give offerings to the slime monster of their choosing and maybe get important items in exchange for ??? idk I'm leaving up to players to decide what their character wants to barter with
inadequate tits
1 years ago
1 years ago
do you really want to have a toaster? Maybe it's worth exchanging the memory of your mom's middle name
1 years ago
fontech: OH ACTUALLY AKAI WHILE YOU'RE HERE do you remember what you used for floormaps? You did it from scratch in autocad right?
1 years ago
inadequate tits
1 years ago
by non-new is that like, they're oocly new but icly they've been there for a while?
1 years ago
yes, that!
inadequate tits
1 years ago
thats neat
inadequate tits
1 years ago
floormaps for buildings and such? do you have an example, ive used a bunch of sources
1 years ago
oh I'm just vaguely thinking of Luceti and going "oh akai did that right"
inadequate tits
1 years ago
lmfao luceti was so long agooooo
i can check after work on my other comp tho, it might've been autocad back then
1 years ago
no worries! I'm sure I can just like. Google it. (LOL) haven't tried yet
1 years ago
I found a cute D&D map that made me go "YES THIS IS THE PLACE" and right now I'm scrubbing all the little numbers off of it because we do not need separate line items for every blacksmith and tailor
1 years ago
should be fine with a general "go farm here" and "you live in this cluster of housing" thankyouverymuch
1 years ago
but on the subject of "icly they've been there for a while," I feel like everyone wants to have that sense of like "my dude's been here three years and he's a little Touched" but actually PLAYING in the same setting for three years leads to burnout in a lot of cases? so w/e just cut to the fun part
1 years ago
and people also like to app new arrivals and get the spiel and the CR that comes from bumping around being lost, so por que no los dos
inadequate tits
1 years ago
i vaguely remember the one i used for cities, that was online and i just modded them in PS
inadequate tits
1 years ago
this creator here has some excellent builder resources.
1 years ago
oh oh I have a town map! I'm adapting this
1 years ago
I mean like for internal "this is what ur house layout looks like" stuff
inadequate tits
1 years ago
lmao that looks like so much more work but go forth. that link has multiple other options, not just towns, which is why i linked
1 years ago
1 years ago
(LOL) it's the one that first made me go "omg I want to play in this setting"
1 years ago
nah, just some cropping and messing with the clone tool tbh
1 years ago
but okay now that I'm ACTUALLY looking at this generator thing I found the interior one you mentioned! And I have no idea how to interact with this interface. (LOL) Do you just respawn until it gives you what you like or is there a way to move elements around? fontech
1 years ago
1 years ago
ConnectiveTrick: oh hello!
1 years ago
I didn't realize we were replurking this
1 years ago
It's definitely not ready to be shown to people (LOL)
1 years ago
but uh these are my scraps so far I hope people I don't know find them enjoyable!
inadequate tits
1 years ago
it depends on which one, usually! but they should have menu or commands to make adjustments.
inadequate tits
1 years ago
im more familiar with the town generator, admittedly. i havent played much with interior stuff
1 years ago
ah, okay
1 years ago
fontech: that's fair! it's still a good base to build on (thinking) thank you for the link!
1 years ago
ConnectiveTrick: no worries! I'll admit to having a moment of panic but it's mostly like having people show up to visit when you haven't cleaned up the living room yet (LOL) it'll probably need another week or two before I'm ready to show things off? I'd like to have more than two pages up...
inadequate tits
1 years ago
1 years ago
okies! ill probably look a bit anyway but i won't judge since its wip
1 years ago
much appreciated! I hope it's still interesting when there's more substance
this looks fun!
love me some Eldritch horrors
diet lyctor
1 years ago
I liiiiike it and I will ... not show my rp friends not on your plurk yet!
1 years ago
(LOL) soon probably!! I'm almost done with the setting stuff and then it's a matter of blowing through the mechanical stuff
1 years ago
I think I might have a hard time filling out the FAQ for this one honestly. Since it's less "what are the rules" and more "what have I failed to communicate properly in the game text"
1 years ago
if you want us to ask stupid questions we can do that :>
1 years ago
(LOL) I need to get the rest of the info pages up so that you can generate them
1 years ago
indeed :> but take your time
this looks absolutely amazing and I love the premise!
so do i
1 years ago
thank you ;-;
the locations and housing pages work now. chugging along at a mild pace, encroaching on the part where I'm just like "yeah and also write an app" (LOL) pasting in mechanics I've already written elsewhere
1 years ago
Yzaksama: I believe you wanted a ping when I posted the guidelines for the death mechanics?
1 years ago
I THINK I gave you the summary version of it but that's the version with all the words in it (LOL)
1 years ago
Yay words :>
marbaubles 🎄
1 years ago
ohhh this looks neat..!!
1 years ago
okay, I've just got one more worldbuildy page to write up, but everything else is up
1 years ago
just need to give people some meat for the "you can app someone who isn't new" folks
vex appeal
1 years ago
I am so excited for that detail
1 years ago
I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight have something replurkable going around later tonight? It feels ambitious to promise that
1 years ago
I can be a very confident writer and then smack into a wall of writer's block and next thing I know I'm up until 3am trying to scratch out a sentence (LOL)
1 years ago
but yeah, navigation page is pretty functional now if people want to poke around
1 years ago
some of the internal links are broken because I was like "this should be a link to something I haven't written yet" and I haven't gone back over to look for any href="url" errors yet
1 years ago
inadequate tits
1 years ago
go jessie go!!
1 years ago
Captcha Check and there it is, the page of "stuff that happened before the game opened that you can reference hearing about if you app someone from before the game opened"
1 years ago
feels kind of "shit was dramatic and then became less dramatic as soon as we get to a time you're allowed to app from" and probably needs like 46 editing passes that it's not going to get!
1 years ago
but it's words and they exist
1 years ago
and then I got all the stuff prepped to to the big announcement plurk and I had a fit of "no they're going to tear it apart don't do this to yourself" so I'm just going to like. Assume this is related to it being 4am
1 years ago
and maybe tomorrow I do the brave thing and tell people about the stuff I wrote.
1 years ago
(this is also why I was such a baby about this getting replurked when I wasn't ready for Eyes (LOL). I am super not comfortable with people I don't know having a front row seat to my anxieties )
1 years ago
Would I build an entire game and then never open it? Sure would. Have built a lot of things for this game that will never see the light of day (lol so much energy went into that logo that is fully on fire and in the trash now)
inadequate tits
1 years ago
you did so much!! definitely do a proper post if you're ready to get it out there!
1 years ago
your support is delightful and appreciated
inadequate tits
1 years ago
I KNOW THIS IS SO MUCH WORK its so important to be Perceived
1 years ago
but then they can see you and treat you like you aren't a real person and idk if I'm in a place where I am equipped to handle the social end of that
1 years ago
I just want to do the thing where I build a space and people vibe and tell fun stories
1 years ago
"the solution is a private game," she says to herself, but we have established that that does not work for this specific social circle (LOL)
1 years ago
and now I am like "oh no I need other people but I am so nervous about other people"
1 years ago
this is the 4am talking. I will be a grownup after I have slept
inadequate tits
1 years ago
tell 4am to go to bed /tucks u in
1 years ago
WELP I have done the thing.
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