Mia Sativa
12 months ago @Edit 12 months ago
My pile of sources just keeps growing and growing and growing. How do I know when to STOP researching and start writing the proposal with the information I already have? Everything is suddenly interesting, even if it’s only very slightly related to my topic. This is maddening.
latest #7
Jan Jahre
12 months ago
Gather as much as you think you need, then start reading through and figuring out what works together in relation to your thesis.

I had to not use certain sources as well because it ultimately didn't line up with what I needed for my thesis. Your advisor is a big help in this area.
Mia Sativa
12 months ago
Yeah I’ve been gathering and readinf and gathering and reading for like a year lol. And then something pops up that sounds significant so I gather that too 😆
Jan Jahre
12 months ago
Definitely something to check with your advisor at this point lol
Mia Sativa
11 months ago
To be fair he’s only been my adviser since August. I finally got rid of the other one who was driving me insane.
Jan Jahre
11 months ago
Either way, your new advisor will be a huge help nyahahaha
Mia Sativa
11 months ago
He already has been! And it’s only been 2 months compared to the last one’s, what, 10 months maybe. Gah. This one is so getting an expensive bottle of wine once this whole thesis thing is over and done with.
Jan Jahre
11 months ago
nice :-D
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