11 months ago
I may start going here? Blame Koyuyu if it ends up sticking
latest #155
11 months ago
11 months ago
Tits RIGHT in your face is an auspicious start, I guess (unsure) Is this chick just casually air violining instead of air guitaring while people fight WTFever these things are?
and yes, yes she is
11 months ago
Kafka? Are real life historical figures turned into waifus the cast?
NO she's just named that
11 months ago
Cause I thought that was an F/GO thing
11 months ago
Fair enough (thinking)
All is going according to plan... Mwahahaha
11 months ago
This is an INCREDIBLY awkward way to move
11 months ago
Who the hell thought this was a good idea?
Stab or swallow
11 months ago
I mean Fate isn't just waifus....there are a lot of men too
11 months ago
True, true
Stab or swallow
11 months ago
...I think Fate!Saitou is my second favorite in terms of looks
Stab or swallow
11 months ago I mean it's a very similar design to Kuzuki from the prime fate verse, but i think the hair is what makes it work
11 months ago
Ooooh nice
11 months ago
I'm gonna steal this AI chick's sunglasses
Steal her look
11 months ago
Hmmm, both avatars are cute (thinking) Any differences?
11 months ago
not that i know of..........
11 months ago
but the trailblazer being a fucking trash gremlin is funnier if it's f!trailblazer imo
yeah there's no different in Trailblazer
11 months ago
Wake her up by grabbing her tits, perfect
11 months ago
How dare, cockblocking my kiss
11 months ago
There's imaginary damage? What, are there combat mimes in here?
11 months ago
Pretend to stab someone and they just fuckin keel over
11 months ago
So why is this chick named after a calendar date anyway?
they explain that
11 months ago
This security guard looks like 15 years old (unsure) Anime
11 months ago
11 months ago
Do I smell another I need to send a friend code to
speaking of Imaginary damage, once you get past the tutorial I can also add you and you can have peepaw for Imaginary support LMAO
11 months ago
And I can add you to give you access to good Quantum damage~
11 months ago
AliaShepard: You might just? We'll see, this is a long ass tutorial.
11 months ago
There's another peepaw in here, huh? I thought Zhongli was everyone's peepaw
11 months ago
There are many peepaw now
11 months ago
I might just kill for a map or minimap function, my spatial awareness is nonexistent
11 months ago
There's a map
11 months ago
I have used it a lot lmao
11 months ago
unfortunately no map for tutorial level
11 months ago
So are these fuckers like, keeping Honedges and Klefkis in their super secret museum? (thinking) IDK, this non-human living artifacts being denied their rights thing sounds Sus
11 months ago
God it's been so long since I did tutorial. Good to know tho
11 months ago
That formidable foe kicked my ASS, holy shit
11 months ago
I got it alone and like a third of its health down, and it mopped the floor with me
11 months ago
YEAH they're beefy. More often they're "come back and fight later" enemies. XD
11 months ago
This motherfucker has like 10 stages and I can't fucking heal, just DIE already
XD yeah, don't be afraid to come back to those, you won't lose access to this place
11 months ago
Oh hey it's sexy megane to the rescue via concussions?
11 months ago
11 months ago
Little one, says the loli
11 months ago
At least she's hopefully not secretly ten billion years old to make it okay to drool over her
11 months ago
I see you, Hitchhiker's Guide reference
11 months ago
ABSOLUTELY not. No Metaverse. No bitcoins or NFTs for you, loli
11 months ago
11 months ago
I got dumped into Zuckerbergland, am I done with tutorializing yet?
ZUCKERBERGLAND... lmao oh no
but yes once you can add friends and stuff you've basically finished the tutorial part
(also you get to meet my favourite goodest boy Gepard and the shittiest gremlin boy Sampo like, immediately)
11 months ago
IDEK if I can yet, it hasn't mentioned it yet
it should make it clear at least, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Zuckerbergland exactly so I cannot say |D
11 months ago
That virtual reality universe thing where the science chick is catfishing the fake gods she made
OH, oh, Simulated Universe
I forgot they introduce that before you go to the next planet lmkasdhugr
you should be almost done with tutorial hell though
11 months ago
She invented de-aging. Goddammit she IS the fucking ancient loli
11 months ago
JRPGs why are you Like This
11 months ago
Ah yes, the obligatory cute mascot that talks in third person
muppet carols
11 months ago
Let me know how it is
Herta is... a Lot to deal with lmao
and also upside, Pom-pom is definitely one of the least annoying mascot characters we've had in a while--
oh also uh. on the subject of Arlan... he actually IS underage lmao
Honkai has a lot of younger characters in high positions, since there's a lot of like, blending of responsibility, as you do in big huge universes with a Lot of different moral spheres
11 months ago
the herta you talk to is actually a remotely-controlled robot, and if you ask her she says it’s based on her appearance at around age 16. i assume the real herta is an adult and will eventually be released as a summonable limited 5* unit
11 months ago
Now I'm picturing someone playing her in a game and taking a hiatus, the CR collectively losing their shit when she falls into a coma, and she comes back like "What are you all so upset for? I just got bored and didn't connect to this body for a few weeks." "This isn't your REAL body?!" "You never asked."
11 months ago
FINALLY, reached the friends function
11 months ago
Is this it? UID 615792802?
11 months ago
Space whale, huh. I see you, Hitchhiker's Guide reference.
11 months ago
opens game to add you~
11 months ago
11 months ago
My friend unit can do mass murder, so she should make grinding trivial lmao
11 months ago
Nice, nice
11 months ago
c_anon: Now that I'm out of tutorial hell, my verdict is it's interesting so far, but I'm really struggling with the interface. Weird touch controls aside, It might be easier to handle on the computer, but everything is so unbelievably tiny I can't really read stuff or tell buttons apart.
11 months ago
It's definitely easier on the computer. I do more involved things on PC.
my UID is 603450484
11 months ago
I might try figuring out how to download it on the computer instead (thinking)
it's easy peasy to download it on computer, and as long as you log in with the same account you can play on both--
11 months ago
Should be a button there
koyu's got me XD
11 months ago
Y'all are so fast
11 months ago
also, if you need any help with building characters or things you're struggling with, we can probably offer some suggestions
most of it is pretty standard gacha but like, hyv is greedy LMAO
11 months ago
LMAO I'm sure
11 months ago
I'm pretty strictly free to play, so I'll be languishing at the bottom of the barrel and making do with subpar builds no matter what
11 months ago
I'm also free to play.
yeah, we have no money to spend on gachas LMAO
but honestly for content and builds there are REALLY good builds even with free 4* units
I've seen someone with a trailblazer that does 200k damage
11 months ago
My Seele can keep up with level 80 content at level 70 even so lmao so like it's not a matter of free or paid, just... doing stuff to build the characters.
YUP I still take her Seele to my support-enabled stuff all the time even though all mine are 80 lmfao
she does as much or more damage than my units
11 months ago
You get a guaranteed 5 star standard character on the beginner banner. Then 300 wishes on standard, which takes Time ofc, lets you pick one of the standard 5 stars. And several of them are Solid.
11 months ago
11 months ago
604979620 is mine
11 months ago
I should either have Blade or Welt out for support
11 months ago
IDK who Blade is yet (thinking)
11 months ago
Blade is very pretty--
11 months ago
And very strong.
11 months ago
blade is the resident emo kid
muppet carols
11 months ago
11 months ago
What is this, anime flavored Ike Fireemblem?
lmggxjvyd I mean, kinda
11 months ago
who lmao
but yeah depends on who really--
(I assumed geppie)
11 months ago
oooh yeah he'd check off the list
11 months ago
I will say though that his weapon choice is laughworthy
lmfgxchyd to be fair, the shield isn't technically his weapon and it's cute why he has it
(he a punch baby)
11 months ago
The treasurehunter you meet in the snow?
11 months ago
Who got me into a battle I'm probably either scripted to lose or somehow way underleveled for, WTF is this infinite reinforcements bullshit
oh. Sampo
absolutely not Ike
that said you're probably underleveled - you can focus on Gepard in the center instead of dealing with his reinforcements, they'll die when he's downed
if you're under... probably level 12-15 right now, you'll probably have a rough time. you should have plenty of level up materials you can use from the character menu though
11 months ago
Man I can barely break through his shield once, let alone take down that monstrous health bar
11 months ago
I've got like 3 level 5s and a level 1
11 months ago
I guess that wasn't a fight I needed to win at least
11 months ago
If you're LITERALLY the only city on the planet, why do you need a hotel?
fhasjkdhugr oh no
I would definitely recommend doing some leveling up, Belobog gets pretty harsh pretty fast lmao
11 months ago
Do I go find monsters to grind on, or what?
11 months ago
What's a trotter? I found one with some guards and it bolted before I could get it
trotters give you special treasures, if it was on the map it'll show back up when you zone back in
you just want to hit it as fast as possible and make sure you focus it down first
but no, you should have travel encounters and stuff - if you go to your character's details and click level up, you can use them
the whole mess of leveling things will take some getting used to but we can walk you through them XD
11 months ago
11 months ago
I made everyone level 8 at least (thinking) IDK what the level ranges are around here
11 months ago
it varies with your Equilibrium Level
11 months ago
i don’t think equilibrium is even available when you first start belobog
nah, you'll be locked to level 20 until you do get the quest for equilibrium
I'm pretty sure belobog starts in the 12-15 level, raises up to about 20 until equilibrium happens
11 months ago
for the beginning just focus on your core group of four to six and don’t overextend your resources if you have more characters than that
11 months ago
I've just got 6 ATM
11 months ago
I know that I picked a party I enjoyed and only leveled those 4 until I was established a bit better.
yeah, the game is pretty forgiving even when you raise equilibrium, as long as you're keeping up on levels (and eventually traces and relics)
11 months ago
I'm just using the first three and that electric chick ATM, the fire chick didn't seem very impressive
11 months ago
And Herta's also ice type, so no point using her
Asta is a really good support, but she does require some effort put into her. Having Herta as a secondary ice and an actual DPS also isn't bad, since March's damage is /handwobbles/ but early on especially, just figuring out who you like playing with is good
Serval is a great DPS though, especially for a lightning DPS. She can go head-to-head with some of the 5* lightning characters we've had
11 months ago
Oh nice
Stab or swallow
11 months ago
603683241 here's my UID if you wanna add me
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