11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
[please replurk!!] [cw death] [high caffeine content KILLING people] [poor regulation and labeling i.e. fuck capitalism] [wrt: Panera's "Charged Lemonade"] jesus christ
latest #255
11 months ago
390mg and not labeled in-store as an energy drink
11 months ago
a diner cup of joe contains roughly 65mg, making this six cups of coffee in an unlabeled lemonade
11 months ago
labeling it "the ultimate energy drink" online BUT NOT IN THE STORE????? holy fuck!
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
since the lawsuit broke Panera stores have moved these drinks out of customers' reach (requiring employees to warn them about the caffeine before pouring it)
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
but yeah employees (and others) were pointing out that customers were treating them like lemonade, not energy drinks soon as they were introduced
11 months ago
letting their young kids fill up and such
11 months ago
might want to put in the top plurk that is about panera's charged Lemonade?
11 months ago
komikbookgeek: good point, added!
11 months ago
absolutely batshit imo that there was no HUGE brightly colored ad banner above these drinks on the drink board with the words ULTIMATE ENERGY DRINK
11 months ago
someone on my personal plurk pointed out that without the fine print labeled with quantities, this could be misconstrued as "260mg in the lemonade and 390mg in the coffee"
11 months ago
and another that your average consumer may not know what a "normal" amount of caffeine is in mg in the first place
11 months ago
and if you're ordering this off the drink board at the counter, you are not looking this closely at the label on the dispenser
papermint tiger
11 months ago
also might i add, there is a huge movement that has been picking up speed of late that anything labeled anything along the lines of 'all natural' and 'organic' is just automatically completely fine and healthy for you
papermint tiger
11 months ago
which is ignoring just how many natural things want to kill us but anyway, that's a huge, huge part of it i would bet
papermint tiger
11 months ago
people just assume it's fine because it's natural
11 months ago
and maybe I'm dumb, but I personally would expect 'charged' to mean that it's got a shot of fruit syrup, or maybe carbonation, not caffeine
papermint tiger
11 months ago
honestly i would assume it was alcoholic were it not in a soda dispenser lmao
11 months ago
That too!
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
?!?! dude, drinks like bang and this new wave of like Super Energy Drinks usually have 300 mg and A WARNING LABEL ABOUT HOW MUCH CAFFEINE THEY CONTAIN
papermint tiger
11 months ago
who even thought this was a good idea
gnarly brown
11 months ago
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
the fact that panera is both exceeding that and only labeling it in a way that goes with caloric information is just... baffling to me??
11 months ago
DryadGurrl: I would have assumed "charged" meant like, taurine, guarana, ginseng, maybe at most a little green coffee extract, so you're not alone!
11 months ago
Honestly I suspect they're only 'labeling' what they are 'required' to do legally and/or what will help them sell the drink. Maybe I'm being too cynical but I'm pretty sure it's all about the money. -_-
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
oh i'm sure you're right
11 months ago
especially with how many places are offering things like "vitamin C shots" and "clean caffeine free energy shots"
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
like i can't believe it but i can
11 months ago
I could see that one too, yeah, but definitely not enough caffeine to launch someone into orbit
11 months ago
chocoballs: +1 to this, and "plant-based" baffles me. coffee is a plant...
...................... if you drank 3 of these you would get caffeine poisoning for sure but even 2 would probably be Pretty Bad
11 months ago
anyway, getting sidetracked from the main point - thank you for spreading the word
papermint tiger
11 months ago
i'm just so baffled, if they wanted to capture the market of people who want the 'clean organic' drinks, why did they have to put so much caffeine into it?
papermint tiger
11 months ago
like for realsies that would probably kill me if i drank it, my heart doesn't like normal energy drinks so i had to stop drinking them
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
look i fucking love caffeine which is why i know how much x or y product contains, how much is safe to consume, whatever but obviously like... a teenager is going to look at "charged lemonade" and prob not think much beyond "tasty lemonade with a lil caffeine in it"
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
ANYWAY thank you for warning everyone w this post, it's so wild that this happened
11 months ago
flyingthesky: yeah I was just thinking, what if I had gotten a large Dunkin cold brew (333mg of caffeine, but I KNOW that and drink it slowly) and then happened to go to Panera later?
11 months ago
I have high bp and rhr due to fibro
11 months ago
like I have four shots of espresso a day and even I couldn't drink a cup of this shit
11 months ago
But also there is a lot of victim blaming in the comments I've seen on this story elsewhere
11 months ago
It was labeled she knew she had a heart condition blah blah blah
a girl in love
11 months ago
which contains more caffeine than cans of Red Bull and Monster energy drinks combined BRUH???
11 months ago
apparently the labels if I read correctly didn't show up until after she died.
11 months ago
Fuck_Mars: I'm. oh my god. of fucking course there's victim blaming. why are people
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
oh! another thing: i seriously had to cut down on caffeine when i started taking adhd meds, and with there being a rise with diagnoses and prescriptions i'm like... this deceptive ass devil's lemonade could fuck adhders up too
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
Fuck_Mars: gkds;fkd that makes me even more mad, christ (the labels)
big nui
11 months ago
rubs eyes ok
this is actually a caffeine labeling problem
im going to add that the fda does not require amounts of caffeine to be declared anywhere in restaurant or on retail products
big nui
11 months ago
tho i will say that organic is v regulated on retail products
big nui
11 months ago
the usda will come after ppl
papermint tiger
11 months ago
oh god dammit it's the McDonald's coffee situation all over again
papermint tiger
11 months ago
these big corporations can get away with so much shit because people trust them and stuff
big nui
11 months ago
natural is semi-regulated, as in it requires certain sensibilities and can be held in violation (eg if it has artificial ingredients)
big nui
11 months ago
much like any soi
yeah i think people don't realize it's an irresponsible amount of caffeine to be in a product not labelled as a an energy drink (it's kind of irresponsible no matter what but at least "energy drink" sets an expectation)
papermint tiger
11 months ago
i just don't understand who came up with this
papermint tiger
11 months ago
who was the person who thought this was a good idea
papermint tiger
11 months ago
i'm blaming that person, not the poor girl with a heart condition
11 months ago
Right I look at that and I'm like probably a little caffeine but not like my extra small sugar free RedBull in the morning level caffeine
big nui
11 months ago
in the restaurant industry there's most likely mixing going on without testing. im gonna bet they're looking at requirements (nfp based requirements like sugar, calories) as opposed to declared amount of caffeine bc it's not exactly required for labeling
11 months ago
also if it's not CLEARLY labeled as highly caffeinated, as an energy drink, something, who is even going to look for caffeine content on a lemonade? this doesn't just affect heart conditions, but yeah people on other stimulants as jackalopes said, people with IBD, people on a lot of prescription medications...
big nui
11 months ago
honestly this reminds me more of the ephedra thing
big nui
11 months ago
since the fda is notoriously strapped, i doubt anyones here checking caffeine levels, esp since it's not really required
11 months ago
hadal: John Oliver recently did an episode on The FDA and USDA and holy shit they have like 3 people each
11 months ago
it's insane
11 months ago
11 months ago
big nui
11 months ago
YEP THEY HAVE LIKE NO PPL, their backbone is people sending in potential violations for them to review
11 months ago
11 months ago
jackalopes: Right it's insane. Food labels are unregulated though for the most part and it's bat shit.
big nui
11 months ago
anyway i did a little digging and high levels of caffeine are considered adulterated, but there's no potential amounts of caffeine that need to be declared:Guidance on Highly Concentrated Caffeine in Dietary ...
big nui
11 months ago
this is just in supplements, and not in foods
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
Fuck_Mars: right, for sure
big nui
11 months ago
this isn't to say all food labeling is a sham, the fda does do good work in making sure that people aren't harmed from an array of foodborne illnesses and potential retailer scams (eg "chocolate milk" that's water)
big nui
11 months ago
but also certain things have not ..... uh, caught up with the times. at all.
11 months ago
There's no 'money' in keeping up with the times, and the FDA is often seen as big government after all.
papermint tiger
11 months ago
and it likely won't in the current climate, aka if it inconveniences corporations from making a buck it won't happen
11 months ago
and can't have big government interfering in people's lives! Think of the poor businesses!
11 months ago
....I think I just made myself take damage. :-(
big nui
11 months ago
shinotenshi22 it's not about money as much as it is about widespread compliance for an agency that has like three people
big nui
11 months ago
they just rolled out the new nfps and it took like five years
11 months ago
No that's...part of it. If it really mattered they'd FUND the agencies properly.
11 months ago
so money IS still the issue.
11 months ago
yeah I think shinotenshi22 meant there's money for businesses in keeping up with the times, so the people funding the FDA aren't going to give the FDA enough funding to keep up
papermint tiger
11 months ago
yeah exactly
big nui
11 months ago
honestly the fda needs to be like three different agencies
11 months ago
*no money for businesses
big nui
11 months ago
not sure why drugs and food and supplements are all under a single one, anyway
big nui
11 months ago
and restaurants
11 months ago
yeah that's absurd
papermint tiger
11 months ago
probably because back when they were staffed properly it made sense to have them all under one roof because it was all about what goes into our bodies, you know?
papermint tiger
11 months ago
but this is too much for one poorly staffed agency to handle
papermint tiger
11 months ago
to the point that supplements aren't actually regulated much at all
big nui
11 months ago
supplements are regulated, and in this case, a little more regulated, but depends on what kidn of regulation you're talking about
11 months ago
yeah, having one agency handle what components and quantities are GRAS makes sense. but at this point... that should be one agency, that then passes the GRAS sheet on to other regulatory oversight bodies
11 months ago
and yeah, that was what I meant. there's no money for businesses to bother keeping things up, and every incentive to keep the agencies from functioning properly in favor of the businesses making a buck
11 months ago
chocoballs: Lobbyists are why Supplements aren't regulated to many members of congress have stocks in that market
11 months ago
Same with sugar
11 months ago
afaik supplements are regulated for adulterants and GRAS content but can make claims with any small amount of flimsy backing as long as they
1. don't contradict FDA findings
2. don't contain unsubstantiated research
2. say "these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA"
11 months ago
which, um, that last one is sure fun
big nui
11 months ago
it's actually pretty specific, that last one
big nui
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
they cannot make absurd health claims, only structure/function claims. there are lists of these health claims and the particulars they fall under.
big nui
11 months ago
there's a list of these claims on the website.
11 months ago
...panera WTF
11 months ago
what psychopath even thought of just... doing that
papermint tiger
11 months ago
ah okay, thanks for the corrections. I follow a lot of anti-MLM channels so i see A LOT of unregulated supplements to the point where i thought there was none lmao
big nui
11 months ago
sometimes i wish the fda website wasn't an effing maze so this was all easier for people to access and digest.
big nui
11 months ago
chocoballs there are a lot out there and that's due to the way that fda collects violations which is a horrible loophole. so it's not wrong, it's just explotation.
11 months ago
tbf as someone who uses herbs and works with an herbalist I understand that not all supplements or treatments pass double-blind rigor because of interactions we're still learning about! but your average person won't really know what's anecdotal/may not work for everyone, and what's just snake oil
big nui
11 months ago
sigh the problem with herbs/supplements is that no one wants to pay for those studies bc no one makes money
big nui
11 months ago
are we back to point one
big nui
11 months ago
i'll rant abt this another day
11 months ago
y e a h
big nui
11 months ago
it's why the industry stilted on the declaration of folate for neural tube defects
big nui
11 months ago
(more ranting for another day)
11 months ago
fund studies / defund lobbies / regulation is a good thing
11 months ago
and god more labeling should be less opaque
big nui
11 months ago
yeah. i feel like if you hit the ground on unregulated supplements it cycles back to "life saving nutrient that used to be $5 now only distributed only by pharmaceutical companies" and there's probably an inbetween there that's a lot better
11 months ago
I definitely agree there
11 months ago
there needs to be a regulatory body for supplements that have separate definitions from drugs
11 months ago
and this is all while living in a society that does recognize caffeine as a drug but doesn't regulate its labeling? bonkers
11 months ago
"and god more labeling should be less opaque" This goes back to my Data-Entry self being OFFENDED viscerally. You want Data, and thus the information, to be CLEAR, CONCISE in that it's easy to understand, and EASILY ACCESSIBLE! huffs

This is How you have an EDUCATED SOCIETY DAMNIT!

(sorry, this part of my outrage is easier to focus on rn)
I don't understand why lemonade should need that much caffeine?!
papermint tiger
11 months ago
which again i say, who came up with this
11 months ago
I saw about this on Food TheoryFood Theory: This Lemonade Could Kill You (Panera)but as I don't lemonade didn't give it much thought, I'll admit.
As someone who’s actually drank all three charged lemonades: they don’t taste like lemonades at all. Or too sweet for that matter.
So anyone could drink it and find it refreshing juice
11 months ago
dazfox: I have fibro and high resting heart rate and this is the first I've learned of a correlation between the two. even more information in this plurk.

anyway, thank you for the warning.
11 months ago
christ this is the story where it turns out the victim was a former student of someone on my timeline. heartbreakiing
11 months ago
Dragomorph: god, I'm so sorry
11 months ago
tl;dr your body is in constant panic from pain and any stress (including standing up) makes the autonomic nervous system collapse. going on a beta blocker and increasing my sodium and potassium intake helped with my pain and my brain fog.
11 months ago
trevenant: that's even more terrifying, the fact that it doesn't have the warning sign of the energy drink aftertaste
11 months ago
gaining a bunch of weight made my orthostatic symptoms go away, fortunately. it's magical being able to stand up without my vision going black due to dizziness
11 months ago
I'm glad you found a way to get relief! My cardiologist put me on a heart monitor for two weeks and gave me an echocardiogram and went "you literally have one of the healthiest hearts I've ever seen; I don't like Just Throwing Pills At The Problem but since your problem is just having fibro uh let's try beta blockers"
Christ, what the fuck even.
That's horrible.
11 months ago
yeah 8[ literally killing someone through lack of labeling regulation. awful.
11 months ago
the other thing that pissed me off hearing about this story was wondering like... what about ice??? i always am cheap and try to get as much drink in the cup as possible which means little to no ice. did they measure the caffeine in the cups of this with ice or without ice?
11 months ago
because at places where the server prepares a drink for you, i am pretty sure the nutrition is calculated including the standard amount of ice the store is supposed to give
11 months ago
but this is self serve so ????
Catgirl Crimes
11 months ago
This is effing wild in a bad way. Like that much caffeine in a fountain drink is batshit. And jfc the fact that it doesn’t have the taste hallmarks of an energy drink makes it worse
11 months ago
dazfox: ty for the fibro article
Spider Hider
11 months ago
Jesus fucking christ, 390 mg??
Water Friend
11 months ago
Water Friend
11 months ago
geez even as a certified Caffeine Drinker that is a significant amount of caffeine goddamn
Spider Hider
11 months ago
I am the kind of caffeine addict who starts my day with a Monster, I am literally sipping on one right now, and just the existence of that lemonade is terrifying to me.
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
can we discuss how much caffeine is in a panera dark roast....
11 months ago
I keep close track of my caffeine since Adderall+(New) Wellbutrin+Nightshift=2 hours uncontrollable shaking
11 months ago
wtf math makes this a cup of coffee
11 months ago
also yeah thank you for that heads up abt fibro and resting pulse, my BP is fine (it's been comically low in the past tbh) but my resting pulse has been abysmal my whole life and i always wondered (those little things you have all your life and assume are normal/unexplainable but it's fibro... looking at you, shitty grip in the mornings since i was tiny)
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
thank you ChickletLARP for the vid, that was a good watch!! i can't get over 390 no doubt being a purposeful number bc 400 is the max caffeine a person can consume in a day before Negative Side Effects
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
it makes so much sense and that it does makes me mad LMAO
11 months ago
I was in Panera the other day and thought that was weird (as I was getting my Pepsi so like... if you want caffeinated sugar water....)
11 months ago
but I thought at the time that was a weirdly handwavy phrasing "about as much..."
11 months ago
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
webbonomicon: right!! re: being a caffeine drinker and terrified. i think that it's (or it was?) self-serve throws in this variable of "ok but how much go-go juice did i just pour for myself really" vs "this monster drink has x mg that we have placed in a can"
11 months ago
transilience: i probably would have been drawn to the lemonade over soda, because soda has carbonation which I'm so-so with. like i love those bai drinks, which have about the same as a cup of green tea, which is... what i would assume this was, if it was unlabeled like it was before this scandal happened
11 months ago
yeah it definitely was set up to look like they were equivalent. and OBVIOUSLY NOT HOLY HELL
Autumn Vasch
11 months ago @Edit 11 months ago
Yeah I saw these in stores and dodged it cuz I do not want caffeine past 10 am ever, but hearing about how it's just like an INSANE CONCOCTION has been wild since in the store it was just like 'it's lemonade, but caffinated!! just as strong as coffee, yay!'
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
transilience: to be fair, i guess?? i've seen products like excedrin use "as much as a cup of coffee" like it's some standard caffeine measurement but that feels even worse bc it makes you that much more likely to glaze over it
11 months ago
i am still wondering if they are measuring by actual fluid ounces or if they're measuring by how much they expect you to put in a cup after you've filled it with ice
11 months ago
currymuttonpizza that's a very good point
ruthgaroux ♥︎
11 months ago
RIGHT that's one of the variable things that would concern me!!
11 months ago
I never get ice bc it bugs me sensorily so
11 months ago
shakes her head. "So the food industry's refusal to put caffeine content on labels has come home to roost, huh. Horrible that someone has died over it..."
11 months ago
but like. I was in there getting soup for my 70YO MOTHER so thank god I'm too cheap to get two drinks
11 months ago
right!!! bc afaik chain restaurants in the US consider a serving of soda to be WITH the ice, as prepared by staff who were trained to know how much ice to put in. BUT THIS IS SELF SERVE, HOW ARE THEY MEASURING
11 months ago
I've often wondered if that constant fight against labeling has to do with the coffee industry not wanting it to become obvious that decaf isn't caffeine-free.
11 months ago
Out of a perception that sales would plummet if people knew it just has a lot less.
11 months ago
Goddamn Panera…first the food poisoning now this?
11 months ago
like...yeah, because caffeine content isn't labeled, most people don't have a concept of how much is too much. my daily cups of tea come to maybe 1/4th the caffeine of this drink
11 months ago
and the largest size has more caffeine than any can of energy drink on the market (granted, the largest size is also bigger than any can...but people don't expect that from a drink mixed with the sodas)
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
Also like, the choice of flavors is an obvious attempt at competition with Starbucks refreshers (especially since you can get lemonade versions, and they have/had store versions that were energy drinks) but the problem is that the regular starbucks ones don't have caffeine at all even the store bought ones iirc had like, green coffee extract and ginseng
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
so someone coming into panera not paying attention might be like "oh these are like those starbucks drinks I like" and not realize how strong they are
11 months ago
Refreshers have caffeine
11 months ago
They're made from green coffee beans so they don't taste like coffee, but a tall (small) has ~45mg
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
Ahh thank you for the correction! Still though that's a huge difference
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
y'know, for something that's designed to be comparable
11 months ago
*grande (medium)
11 months ago
so a lot less! but yeah if you can't have caffeine don't get a refresher
11 months ago
I'm finding a lot of pages that claim it's 0 caffeine while looking for the specific numbers, so like, spread the word maybe
11 months ago
in related news, a typical 'cup' of coffee is ~8 oz when you make it at home (source is google but I've also measured my own mugs) and that's ~~95mg depending on brand, and a shot of espresso is ~65mg
11 months ago
just in case folks don't have a great frame of reference for volume
11 months ago
so yeah! math on panera dark roast really doesn't add up
11 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/3ayKHmQkuwU59KCV5LhhUL.jpg 80mg per 8.4 ounces… I have 1 maybe 2 in a day every so often but loaded with fucking ice in a 20 oz cup…
11 months ago
That's more then triple the caffeine of an 8.4 sugar free red bull
Hamlet 3.3.87
11 months ago
a shot of lotus energy drink syrup is also 80 mg, if you get lotus drinks at your local coffee shop instead. so yeah, panera doing shit that can kill even if you dont have a heart disease tbh
on hiatus
11 months ago
I am SO glad they're being sued for this... I actually came close to needing to go to the hospital when I drank one of the charged lemonades, thanks to heart problems and a horrible lack of labeling.
on hiatus
11 months ago
Was only saved by the fact that I was sipping it slowly enough to have a moment of realization that I was starting to feel kinda weird
11 months ago
I'm glad you're okay!
11 months ago
11 months ago
lotus 龙 wife
11 months ago
I bought one when I made an online order from doordash when they first came out and I don't think it was labeled on doordash as having caffeine
lotus 龙 wife
11 months ago
it might be now but I don't think when it first came out it was
Billie Sue 🌻
11 months ago
this is what it shows on ubereats
Billie Sue 🌻
11 months ago
Billie Sue 🌻
11 months ago
doesn't give the numerical amount but feels like a slightly more appropriate warning anyway somehow?
11 months ago
Definitely, CAFFEINE in all caps plus the 'not recommended for etc' warning that's usually on energy drinks
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
caveat though: idk if corporate sets these or individual stores, since they get franchised out iirc
11 months ago
though I also feel like that's a recent change too somehow? Probably because of the all-caps (still saying it's 'about the same' as their dark roast though)
11 months ago
Yeah, that too
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
so like, there's a chance it might just be the closest panera to me having a conscience and not like, the chain at large
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
it feels very "this is what we were told to say" with a warning tacked on at the end haha
Billie Sue 🌻 says
11 months ago
"about as much caffeine as our dark roast!!! : ) BUT SERIOUSLY DO NOT FUCK AROUND WITH THIS USE IN MODERATION"
papermint tiger
11 months ago
yeah the 'about as much caffeine as our dark roast' feels so misleading now that we know just how much caffeine is in it
11 months ago
DryadGurrl: it is recent they didn't start labeling them until after the girl died
11 months ago
yeah, prior to the lawsuit being announced the only warning was 'about as much caffeine as dark roast coffee' in small print on the bubbler and the mg amount...which most people wouldn't have context for
11 months ago
Fuck_Mars: oh for sure in-store, but DoorDash/GrubHub/UberEats etc aren't attached to corporate (as far as I know), so that's a whole different thing
Hamlet 3.3.87
11 months ago
Mine is giving the exact same CAFFEINE warning on doordash, so i suspect its corporate-level mandate CYA
11 months ago
(and I notice that listing still doesn't show the actual amounts)
papermint tiger
11 months ago
why are they being so shady about this????
Ainsley ☄
11 months ago
Re: caffeine content labeling. Some sodas that are storebought like Pepsie & Coca-Cola cola will have the caffeine content on the label in tiny print. There is an orange soda I like that has it, around 80mg but they definitely do not have any labeling at the soda fountain
11 months ago
iirc if there's an ongoing lawsuit (at least in the US) they actually have to be, it's some bullshit about how the mandate has to happen once the lawsuit closes/is dismissed so they know exactly what the warning has to say/how it has to be worded
11 months ago
(shady, that is, but it's still a load of bs)
11 months ago
ravynstoneabbey: which orange soda is that?
11 months ago
but yeah I remember trying explaining to someone that espresso had less caffeine per serving than regular coffee and been accused of lying
11 months ago
america especially does not know what a serving is
11 months ago
a tall at sbux is 12 ounces. a latte would be 1 shot, 65mg. a coffee the same size would be 136
11 months ago
I assure you, people do not order short (8oz) coffees
11 months ago
some do but MOST do not
11 months ago
in fairness to them most people don't know that short is an option
11 months ago
but still
11 months ago
yeah Starbucks likes to pretend they don't have a short
Boy I sure am learning things in this plurk
Ainsley ☄
11 months ago
komikbookgeek: Sunkist
11 months ago
Tea nerd freaking out about a lemonade energy drink from a restaurant brand I never visit? Yes this is a reality I’m in.
Ainsley ☄
11 months ago
Welcome! I was surprised to see that.
621st Raven
11 months ago
what the actual fuck
E.S. Levi
11 months ago
Caffeine concentration is an issue, too. The reason espresso is the go-to 'high caffeine' coffee is because you get all that caffeine in 1/12 the volume of the smallest Starbucks coffee size.
11 months ago
E.S. Levi
11 months ago
While this junk is...about as concentrated as a Monster, but sold in cups three times the size of an energy drink can.
E.S. Levi
11 months ago
More than three times, really.
E.S. Levi
11 months ago
So without proper labeling, you think you're getting the equivalent of a cup of coffee, but you're actually chugging three Monster drinks...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I think that's what gets to me. It's not like it's not legal to sell this shit responsibly? Why would you do it like this?
11 months ago
rhetorical question
gremlin wife
11 months ago
I'm reasonably certain these are partially a response to Herbalife's 'loaded tea' bullshit, as if this wasn't bad enough on its own
11 months ago
I hate to say this without him here, but someone on my plurk timeline actually knew her, and she would never have drunk the item if she knew the caffeine content. She knew her limits, and the stores didn't advertise the caffeine content.
11 months ago
The victim blaming is disgusting.
11 months ago
It's like the McDonald's coffee lawsuit all over again "well it says charged, surely that means there's caffeine!"
11 months ago
The moral of the story: buy or make your own lemonade and maybe protest at Panera’s doorsteps?
11 months ago
I'm so sorry for your friend's loss
E.S. Levi
11 months ago
kabukimono: Yeah, the article emphasizes that she went out of her way to avoid energy drinks, and absolutely could not have known this stuff is basically three cans of Monster in a trenchcoat...
11 months ago
I've had 3 monsters in a day before (I know, I know...) and even then I spaced them out as much as possible, I had just slept like 2 hours the night before. I can't imagine consuming them ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
doom triangle
11 months ago
oh i've had one of these drinks. i did know it had that much caffeine in bc it was labeled on grubhub and that's why i bought it but also yeah it's A Lot.
11 months ago
it's not a sane amount of caffeine for a person with no health conditions looking for a morning boost, I don't see how anyone could blame her even if she had known it was caffeinated and assumed Normal Human levels
11 months ago
I'm so sorry for your friend's loss, this has to be really rough
11 months ago
it was wild...like, on the employee subreddit up until this story broke it was all 'this is dangerous' 'parents are giving it to toddlers' 'i didn't realize how much caffeine'
11 months ago
and then after, it was all victim blaming
11 months ago
oh damn I saw they moved them and I thought it was because people were letting their kids at them and complaining
11 months ago
and it claimed to have about as much as a coffee so I assumed a medium sized lemonade = 1 cup coffee, jfc
11 months ago
apologies for the late bump, but I wanted to share this update just so people don't get caught up in it:
11 months ago
From the Panera community on Reddit: chargers caffei...panera has lowered the mg of lemonade on the bubbler labels, but if you look closely, the tiny print says they've changed it to reflect a typical amount of ice. they have not actually changed the formulation.
11 months ago
nice of them to specify what's a "typical amount"
11 months ago
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