Hi, everyone! I'm back and excited to RP again after an extended break to recover.
latest #54
Spooky Thoughts
1 years ago
Welcome back! Hope your health is improved
schematise: Thank you! I missed you and the others a lot. I'll start looking around to see what's been happening lately.
If you guys could give me recs for any games or memes, they'll be greatly appreciated!
Spooky Thoughts
1 years ago
The most fitting one I'm in is, sadly, coming to an end Jan/Feb next year
schematise: I'm glad you're getting an endgame proper at least! Happy for you guys. I'll try to keep my eyes peeled for stuff as I go with good old Daylight for the character I want to app in for.
Spooky Thoughts
1 years ago
I hope you find something good!! I will probably need a place to migrate to myself afterwards. I've considered Abraxas, it seems to still be running and people do seem able to do plot things there?
schematise: Ohhhhhh, I was thinking of going there myself. I miss playing with you and the others.
Oh another character to consider- Paimon from Genshin Impact!
Spooky Thoughts
1 years ago
ooo Genshins seem popular
Unpleasant Bug
1 years ago
welcome back!
schematise: And I'm considering a character that won't get challenged for in terms of a slot, so I'm leaning hard to her direction.
mutanthairything: HELLO!! Miss you so much. Hope we can thread in the near future. Love your characters.
I highkey recommend Abraxas!!
1 years ago @Edit 1 years ago
The AC is so ridiculously light and manageable, and the player base is full of extremely chill people who are all quality writers
hh ♫
1 years ago
yay hi welcome back!!!
hh ♫
1 years ago
i'm not up to anything rp-wise myself but i've heard good things about abraxas
Unpleasant Bug
1 years ago
I'm excited to thread with you again! are you looking at games?
paingravy: Ohhhhhh that's great to hear! I'll definitely look around when I get the chance. Travelling back home in a few hours and still haven't packed, haha.
mippins: Hello! Hope you're doing well. Sometimes you just gotta take a break from a hobby to get hyped for it again, haha. I'm glad Abraxas has all of your stamp of approval so far.
mutanthairything: I am! Currently three in mind:

Holle Huld, Reporter OC
Daylight, Mechanoid OC
Paimon, Genshin Impact
1 years ago
hi!!!! welcome back!
ilium: HELLO!!! I missed you a lot and want to thread with you again soon, ahhhhhhh. Gotta catch up on stuff.
hh ♫
1 years ago
totally agree. i've been doin some light psl stuff but i'd like to get back into a game sometime in the near future i think... then again i've been saying that for months so we'll see LOL
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
melly!!!! im glad to see you're doing okay
mippins: One day, I swear one day we'll do threads stuff again, ahhh.
skulltaffy: SKULL!! I've missed you so much and I'm glad we're on each others' timelines again. I see you're also doing D&D.... I am tempted to make one for a girl of mine who couldn't get closure proper.
<3 glad to see you're okay
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
oh you should absolutely make her into a dnd oc then, it's incredibly cathartic
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
and yes im glad to be on each other's timelines again too!! i would've added you when i did the move but couldn't find the button
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
but it all worked out in the end
1 years ago
melly! oh my goodness, so good to hear from you!!! i'm glad to see you're well!
floodplain: Thank you. Glad to see you're doing well in return!!!
skulltaffy: Just give me time to find the right Picrew and I'll get her going. I'll love to thread against you because D&D shenanigans let's go.
moonjelly: Miraaaaaaaaaa hello. I feel a lot more energized now and I'm hyped for some RP!
1 years ago
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
yesssss please i'd be so dow
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
skulltaffy 💀
1 years ago
i know a few good ones still if you need help, but i'm not sure what vibe you wnt
moonjelly: We'll thread together soon, I promise!!
skulltaffy: I have a picrew in mind, don't worry! Just need to not be lazy and get the expressions and icons up, haha.
glad to hear from you
apps for the game I'm in JUST closed for the month but Labyrinthum is fun and has very light AC
KabochaKitsune: Daz! It's nice to hear from you too. I'll definitely look into Labyrinthum then for Paimon or Daylight, since I'm looking at it and it looks interesting! Definitely going to go poke at the TDM Overflow in a bit!
the tongue-in-cheek flavor of the faq is what grabbed me
1 years ago
omg hello welcome back!
tinylongwing: HI! Sorry for not answering sooner but it's so good to have you on my timeline again. Hope you're doing well in your games and other ventures.
1 years ago
all good, and thank you! Yes doing well, mostly just PSLing and in one tiny game run by Gail right now but living my best RP life regardless haha
That's so good to hear! I'm actually hoping to do a bit of PSLing between us in the future if you're okay with that.
1 years ago
of course! though I'm not currently playing Rosinante like, at all lmao, if that makes any difference
Not at all! Just miss RPing with you since you're always a delight.
1 years ago
awww well I'd love to do psl threads/bakerstreet meme threads/etc any time!
tinylongwing: Yessssss, I'll keep an eye out then!!
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