1 years ago
latest #16
梓真 azuma
1 years ago
The manga has been updated today.
I don't really understand what kind of worldview it is.
1 years ago
azm_prt: ?!they even draw fanart manga ??????
the worldview seems is in their world(夢戰世界/夢戰大陸) and the guyver characters are from other universe ,then they attend their marathon competition
1 years ago
and they need to cooperate with each other to win the game... oO(Guyvers and Archanfel???how could they cooperate with each other ????!!?
Guyvers cooperate with Archanfel ?? It rains cats and dogs ??
by the way, Archanfel draw very bad X-(
梓真 azuma
1 years ago
I think it's very important that the Guyver official allowed Archanfel to be on his side in the collaborative games.
If they add Murakami san, it looks not so weird.
梓真 azuma
1 years ago
Honestly, I thought Aptom would be the playable character.
梓真 azuma
1 years ago
I wish Murakami-san was there too.
I'm hoping that it might come up in some story conversations!
maybe Aptom is good choose, If they need corporation, I am confused why choose Archanfel. or maybe they can choose ヴァルキュリア ,
mome: 順便生快
梓真 azuma
1 years ago
mome: Happy birthday
1 years ago
no39purin: 謝謝謝謝年紀大都是吃個蛋糕了事完全不想昭告天下
azm_prt: Thank you 梓真-san~~~
1 years ago
阿卡菲尔&卷岛颚人技能首曝 | 不自量力的野心……是会让自身灭亡的哦!沒想到有生之年是在中國手遊聯動裡聽到還沒動畫化的部分有阿卡菲爾的語音......Q版西裝ver很卡哇ㄟ.........
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