patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Good morning, all. Another cool, cloudy day here in Ohio. I hope the ground drys up soon.
latest #11
Lisa, ofs
15 years ago
howdy, patrick! :-D
15 years ago
Hello! :-)
15 years ago
Beautiful, sun shinny day here with a high of 80 :-D
cuaguy says
15 years ago
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
I see the sun peeking out, here and there. But I can't mow my lawn or do anything with the yard till it stops raining :-(
15 years ago
Good Morning
JoyfulMom7 says
15 years ago
good morning! (dance)
candyteddy says
15 years ago
i am so suprised and happy to find you here! I love your books. Thank you for what you are doing.
teddycandy says
15 years ago
Mr. Madrid, candyteddy and teddycandy are two different plurkers (woot) (blush)please add both of us as your friends
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