tamera is
16 years ago
finding that not many people want to srsly engage in a back & forth in blog comments these days... why is that? I find them so substantive..
latest #10
mrgraham says
16 years ago
please engage me in the back and forth. write something substantial and i'll reply substantially. seriously.
MackCollier says
16 years ago
Tamera I think our attention and time is more divided these days...blogs....twitter...plurk...facebook, theres so many places to be
MackCollier says
16 years ago
2 years ago, all we had pretty much was blogs, now there's plenty of choices
storyspinner says
16 years ago
tend to agree w/ mack.. find it so hard to find time to comment much these days :-(
tamera says
16 years ago
mackcollier storyspinner I feel the same way but do lament that the depth we used to have in blogs (marketing or other) helped move the...
tamera says
16 years ago
convo forward and enable differing opinions to be articulated and fleshed out. Not so much in 140 character soundbites...
tamera says
16 years ago
mrgraham I try but when you're on a blog and spend 15 mins writing a comment to have someone respond w/ "agree to disagree" it gets old.
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