Shinzo has
15 years ago
been binging on Thai music lately.
latest #11
Shinzo shares
15 years ago
one of my faves :-D Fahrenheit - Pid Mai ผิดไหม
Rammi asks
15 years ago
Fahrenheit did a Thai song? :-o *listens*
Shinzo says
15 years ago
Lol, that's what I thought. Turns out it's a different band then the Chinese one.
Rammi says
15 years ago
anyway, this song is one of those "ZOMG! I ruined my relationship! It's all my fault!" things. Title translates to "Was I wrong?"
Shinzo says
15 years ago
(LOL) I had a feeling it was. I mean, the actual video...ผิดไหม pid-mai
Shinzo says
15 years ago
And it just sounds like one of those songs
Rammi says
15 years ago
that video is strange. I mean, the guy broke up and cheated on her, yet they're taking some journey in a car together afterwards?
Rammi says
15 years ago
oh, and she locks him out of his own car whilst he's calling his new girlfriend, then somehow ends up in a car accident? (doh)
Rammi says
15 years ago
anyway, how did you manage to find all this Thai music? The stuff I've heard hasn't impressed me much.
Shinzo says
15 years ago
Yeah, I didn't really get it either, but I mean you get the general gist...right? Or not, lol.
Shinzo says
15 years ago
Spotify mostly! There's so much China Dolls:-D What have you heard?
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