15 years ago
laughs. I conformed and joined Twitter to read CB's stuff. I can't even get my pic to upload. Tweedlie-fucking-dee..HAHA. Twitter SUCKS.
CynSorensen says
15 years ago
yeah just when I quit using twitter chester had to join and now everyone's jumping on the bandwagon
CynSorensen says
15 years ago
I refuse to add him on twitter just cause of this!
ClosetCreature says
15 years ago
I don't like twitter much, but I have it there for people that have not gotten on the plurkwagon ;-)
Anstice says
15 years ago
Well, I still like Plurk more. Totally more advanced with the replies and whatnot. However, it's amazing fun to watch CB and his wife chat
Anstice says
15 years ago