twodogs says
15 years ago
evening plurkers :-)
latest #20
15 years ago
Hi there, Mick!
Grumba says
15 years ago
g'day mate! :-)
twodogs says
15 years ago
hi Shelley
twodogs says
15 years ago
hello there Dawne
twodogs says
15 years ago
evening beaten that flu yet?
twodogs says
15 years ago
evening Grumba :-)
twodogs says
15 years ago
sorry Rantz ive been busy with the fair...and the girlfriend :-)
twodogs says
15 years ago
happy happy man :-D
twodogs says
15 years ago
thank you Shelley....shes :-) a blessing long over due
15 years ago
Hay Mick (bye)
15 years ago
Hello Mick!
twodogs says
15 years ago
hiya Maria
twodogs says
15 years ago
hello there Grumpyguts
Elvira36 says
15 years ago
Good Evening! (bye)
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