how are you? .. stiLL sad?
um yea but im trying to cheer up.
think positve gurL .. evrthng will be fine sooner or later ..
can i know hu treat u like a dirt?
it ure friend? .. clssm8 or wat?
um, it is someone who is a friend of a friend of mine.
ooh! .. just think of dis .. maybe .. he/she is just jealous .. dont mind her ..
she have nothing to do .. dats y he/she kept on minding oder pipol 's lyf.. instead of their lyf .. wich is bad
just lyk wat ive sed l8ly .. just dont mind him/her
i think she is selfish. she tries to make herself look superior to me.
if dat's makes her happy .. just never mind her .. she's so arrogant .. never mind dos pipol lyk dat ha?