eeww! that's quite pervy really!
my mother walked through town carrying it, then had to sit in the park for 30 mins waiting to be collected!
how rude! you should find out where it's from and i'll embarrass my mother with it
she got taken away in a police car yesterday
it's from a local shop. is your mother ok? i had a trip in an ambulance xmas eve.
she's fine, just very red-faced. she got a day out from the hospital & a time to return, but she stayed out too long
her dr told her if my sister fails her a levels it'll be her fault, so i'm a bit annoyed tbh.

to staying out! - people with tags don't even get that service. and yes, that was a stupid thing to say. the doctors in those units
amaze me - the one i saw was a total wanker (and is well known for it at the local unit apparently)
i don't know how he thinks that'll help her, the last thing she needs is that guilt
without even knowing my sister, she's on her 5th try at gcse maths so failing her a levels has nothing to do with my mum
it certainly doesn't sound like it. they're supposed to be supportive - it would be worth someone calling them out on it - find out what
they hope to achieve by saying that - my lot keep sending me questionnaires, despite me sending them back stating how
crap i thought the service was. the nurses were very nice but pretty useless.
it's awful where she is, they can't even use the kettle but they are allowed the iron...? i know it's good for her to be away from home but
i wish she'd said/seen someone before letting it get this far, i can't describe how it's fucked us all up knowing our mum would rather die
having experience of it from her side it's very unlikely that's the case. this is public, do you want to talk privately about this?
i don't think anyone will read it, but if you'd rather then i don't mind
it doesn't bother me - it's not as though i've kept my problems very secret - everything's on that blog! i'm thinking about you
i don't mind, i'm not worried about secrecy on here. but yes, i do feel a lot of resentment for what she did, i can't help but think it was
selfish. at my worst i thought about suicide but thinking about my family & friends was what stopped me every time
before i say much: did she leave a note?
i don't think so. if she did i don't know about it, not that i know about anything. & i don't want to make you upset/cross
you won't bother me with this. if she didn't leave a note then she certainly didn't do it out of spite or to punish anyone - without a note
no one would know would they?
attempting suicide is not a desire to die. it is a desire to end a situation you cannot deal with or see any other solution to.
from thinking about why i did it i've figured out that the sudden "appearance" of emotions, especially loneliness, sadness and failure along
it just seems like a get of jail free card, you get to escape but everyone you leave behind will suffer for the rest of their lives
it does, but at the time that's not what you are thinking - the only thing at the time is that everything is so painful and out of control
that you just want them to end.
once you've failed in the attempt you start to realise that it would affect everyone else
- a large part of the reason i am still here tbh - the first time is easier than the second
i suppose you're right - i wouldn't really know. i just hate that she kept it all in & didn't once admit that she couldn't cope. this could
all have been nipped in the bud
it's pretty common - i did exactly the same thing. the first suicide attempt is rarely planned - it's a sudden thing (hence no note). and i
never acknowledged to myself that i had a problem. i was able to put on a front to all the doctors and such so that they didn't think
i really had much of a problem and i believed it. now she's done what she has at least she has to face it (as i have) and she can be
treated. so, in that way it's a good thing. and, although you probably won't believe it, it really does have nothing to do with you
or any one else - you would not have been able to change it
and it wouldn't have been "because" or you or something you or someone else has done
i will assure you of that
that's really not how it feels. my parents splitting up was the same time as i moved away so i just feel bad that i wasn't there & didn't
know, & maybe if i'd been there i'd have seen what was happening. especially after i moved out again & into the flat, i had no idea
when she went in she said 'you know i've been depressed' ... i didn't know
is it really likely she'd have told you though? and would she have accepted your help? i know i wouldn't have done.
i don't expect that she'd have rung me up with the gossip tbh but i'm still her daughter & i think i should have been told, at least by
someone. & maybe she wouldn't have wanted my help but i could have done something, seen a dr on her behalf, anything
but she'd never have expected that of me because she thinks i hate ber, because of how we were when i was younger
but i don't, of course not, i never did. i was just different & she didn't adapt to me

i really wish i could be there with you. i assume you've talked to your councellor about this? this is the sort of thing cbt would
help you with. i'm surprised they've not mentioned it.
we talked about what my mum say about our relationship, we concluded that somehow i grew up differently than the other women in my family
& she didn't know how to bring me up. my sister is just like her, she;s just like my gran who is just like my great-gran, etc
well, from what i've seen - you've certainly grown up into a wonderful person.
i know it's hard, but sometimes you just have to accept what's been done. i know i'm trying to and it does help
*have to try and accept..

actually that was what dr said today - i cried & cried.

there might be a lot of that. once it's done tho you'll feel a lot better. i'm trying to "reconfigure" the relationship i have
with my parents. hopefully that book will give you some insight into how you can go on from here
i'm looking forward to it! and i really need to send yours.
and, i love how this plurk has gone from a policeman ornament to my mother's suicide attempt...
yup. the piers morgan one is now on mango chutney and pringles...
we are too ace for words.

too random...