Wakooz_com says
15 years ago
The dead parrot joke is.gd/vG1i
latest #8
Ecocandle says
15 years ago
I loved that joke, because it is soooo true.
Psalm23▼維吉爾 says
15 years ago
what does the "drive" in the last sentense mean, I wonder?
Jam 딸기잼 :] says
15 years ago
so cool :-)
Wakooz_com says
15 years ago
To Vergil, a driver is a stick for playing golf, there's the wood , the driver, etc.
Psalm23▼維吉爾 says
15 years ago
thanks, but I still can't get the pun. Never mind, thanks for telling me that :-)
bhoi_ghagho says
15 years ago
me too.. cant the joke.
Wakooz_com says
15 years ago
Well he worried more about his driver than his wife..
Wakooz_com says
15 years ago
He's a golf addict!!!
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