Attituderose says
15 years ago
Mute if you don't want to listen to me go off
latest #7
Attituderose says
15 years ago
To the people who defriended me THANK YOU. You couldn't possibly tell me what I did or didn't do like Adults you just decided to leave
Attituderose says
15 years ago
This is NOT high School. I thought we were ALL adults here and could handle ourselves in a polite manner.
Attituderose says
15 years ago
But apparently NOT. Excuse me for putting so much time and effort into our friendship that it was to much for yall to take.
Attituderose says
15 years ago
You can just go with your clique and follow the crowd like the rest of the world.
Attituderose says
15 years ago
I am done wondering why I randomly got defriended by people I thought cared.
depravo_the_rat is
15 years ago
still here and is sorry to hear that some people might be behaving in a manner that doesn't seem in the ethos of plurk.
15 years ago
Well said, I actually deleted my post in my rant.
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