Pat Law™ says
15 years ago
Hey y'all, if you have any questions pertaining to GI JOY, lemme know? I'll be glad to help!
latest #7
longadin says
15 years ago
Hey, how are you going to handle votes from big companies that just share one line? I work in one - and that just means 1 vote per company?
longadin says
15 years ago
That's kinda silly honestly given the fact that mine has more than 200 folks and even if I ask 10 ppl to vote...they can't
longadin says
15 years ago
also, starhub is basically using a few proxies to manage their bandwith...if u're a hubber from home, and someone with the same proxy voted
longadin says
15 years ago
you're SoL. ;-)
longadin says
15 years ago
Ok enough spam from me. hope to hear your feedback. And hmm didn't realise you're in Oglivy, say hi to martina from me. ;-)
Pat Law™ says
15 years ago
Hey longadin... I was looking for your email address on your blog but I can't find it.. Do you think you can give me a buzz at 97738608?
Pat Law™ says
15 years ago
Reason being, the explanation will take some time!
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