15 years ago
why does Tom think Stephanie is dead? They just said she was injured.
latest #8
rachaeldubs says
15 years ago
Because she's gone forever. Don't you think that's a little convenient for her to just disappear after she did something bad.
rachaeldubs says
15 years ago
Plus Silas and Mrs Ridley are gone.
JonasFan19 says
15 years ago
and mr.trent is gone too.. or on an ''early retirement''
rachaeldubs says
15 years ago
Oh yeah, him too. I almost forgot because of how little his role was in the school...
LizzW says
15 years ago
and it said something about the accident being "fatal" that makes me think she died
msskiv says
15 years ago
yup...she's dead...fatal accident
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
yea i agree with you lauren, its too cooincidental
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