David Hess says
15 years ago
Okay, I admit it. I'm an American Idol fan. Do you think the recent decision has to do with "lifestyle" as opposed to talent?
latest #6
15 years ago
I think that Kris won as opposed to Adam because he was seen as the Underdog, and Adams fans didn't vote as much thinking he had it made
15 years ago
I don't really follow the "Idols" other than watching the show, so I'm not sure what you mean by lifestyle, they both seemed nice lads
15 years ago
Nikki8D: Adam is gay, I think. I don't follow it much, either. But that ALWAYS becomes an "issue" even when it's not
15 years ago
Ahh. I didn't vote for either, Allison was my favourite, I was surprised to see her not even make the final 3.
Advent Spark is
15 years ago
the gay one the tall guy with the odd look about him? my gaydar went off at a glance on him
David Hess says
15 years ago
Uhh, I'm not sayin' It would not be "Obama" to say (lmao)
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