15 years ago
so tired thanks to my sister's cat
latest #10
strange rhino
15 years ago
15 years ago
it decided that it wanted me to pet it non stop starting a 6 am this morning unitl i decided to get up at 8 am
15 years ago
it may have been earlier than 6am, but i was half asleep so i am not sure on the time :-P
strange rhino
15 years ago
hahaha, what a nice cat!
15 years ago
nice isn;t the word that i would use :-P
strange rhino
15 years ago
try to get used of it:-P
strange rhino
15 years ago
or go back to someone's lab:-P
15 years ago
who's lab?
strange rhino
15 years ago
good, you forgot it
15 years ago
i would never go back there, i will send the cat there though
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