-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
we bought a new car! (yahoo)
latest #36
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
did anyone know about GM going bankrupt?!
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
no! What!
ShaCarlay says
15 years ago
what is it?
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
When did GM go bankrupt?
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
its a santa fe
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
Idk when it went under I just found out
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
Wow! Crazy stuff. Oh wait. GM is the company that Obama took over. And then he sold it. I remember now
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
looks like he's "changing" the wrong things
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
messing with domestic companies
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
I know right. Oh well. He's president and we elected him
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
we speak for yourself
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
I didn't and neither did my family but I mean we as the populace
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
I wanted McCain lol
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
I would have voted Mccain
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
I guess were stuck with him
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
I definatly wouldnt have voted for Clinton
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
If she got elected, I'd be in Mexico right now
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
Sorry. Clinton
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
he sold that to them?
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
no wonder they are so dangerous right now
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
Yep and for a pretty cheap price too
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
do you know how much?
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
no but it was in the millions
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
oh wow thats just great
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
a cheap trator
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
Yeah. My dad was infuriated when Clinton was impeached on a sex scandal instead of on selling missle technology to a US rival
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
that was the dumbest thing to do durring a meeting
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
wasnt some girl "playing his flute" in the back room while a govt meeting was going on?
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
I didn't hear any of the details but it sure sounds like something Clinton would do lol.
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
we pick the winners lol
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
It's weird how the US has no other better picks for president. I'm sure there are a lot better men somewhere
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
its funny I bet there is a hobo somewhere who completely understands politics and could be the worst best president
-jamesblazer- says
15 years ago
but we will never find him
RushLifeguard says
15 years ago
exactly. It seems to me that running for any office can bring out the worst in someone because they often have to lie and manipulate people
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