big_red_skull says
15 years ago
r3aDin6 s0m3 0f my man6a's(d3ath n0t3).. ^_^
latest #16
oishiramen says
15 years ago
woah! death note? anime nya pinanuud ku na :-) pro nd ung manga
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
iLn6 b3s3s q0h nAh npAn0oD un6 m0vi3 pti un6 anim3 ehhh., kyAh man6a nmAn., j3j3j3.. ^_^
oishiramen says
15 years ago
(LOL) hehe, nd ku kya un ahh (LOL)
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
j3j3j3., aDik sAh d3athn0t3 ehHh., j3j3j3..
oishiramen says
15 years ago
yeah! go L! (rock)
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
j3j3j3.. y3ah!!.. i l0v3 y0u misa-misa 0f d3athn0t3 th3 m0vi3.. j3j3j3.. ^_^
oishiramen says
15 years ago
hehe, ung Lchange the world ln npanood ku ehh, sayang, la n c light dun, cute p nman nya (LOL)
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
j3j3j3., mAs c0oL priN c "L" dUn., j3j3j3., "L" f0r3v3r.. ^_^
15 years ago
i have a question..
15 years ago
have you read yung last entry sa manga? yung abt characters nlng? Look at their death. 2013 pa.. how come? :-o
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
i've s3en it., p3r0h hnDi q0h npAnCn un., cLpin q0h nLn6..
15 years ago
cge :-)
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
yhUp.. y0ur ryt.. j3j3j3..
big_red_skull says
15 years ago
GTG.. by3.. ^_^
15 years ago
bakit kya? (thinking)
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