15 years ago
I need to learn how to set twist. I have nearly made 2 of yarn & that is a skill I have not acquired. Any noob-tips for me?
latest #12
Luliriisi says
15 years ago
I dunno if what I do is correct, but I dunk in water, make sure it's all wet, squeeze out the excess (no wringing!), then hit it against the
Luliriisi says
15 years ago
side of the bathtub a few times, then wrap it around the radiator in the bedroom. I've tried letting it dry by itself after the thwacking,
Luliriisi says
15 years ago
but it was still way too overspun to get it to lie nicely. I hope the radiator wrapping doesn't get rid of the bounce too much. (goodluck)
P'an says
15 years ago
Okeedokeesmokee... I will see what I can do.
Bernadette says
15 years ago
i wrap it drap around this little step ladder
Bernadette says
15 years ago
then tie to its formed around the ladder pull it off soak it then put it
Bernadette says
15 years ago
back around the ladder wet and let it dry
P'an says
15 years ago
Hmmm... I do have a stepladder but it's also one of the cat's favorite things, I need to keep her away if I sue that.
Luliriisi says
15 years ago
Don't sue the stepladder! :-o :-P
P'an says
15 years ago
BigRedErin says
15 years ago
I wet mine down, then hang it in my shower from a hook and put a can of something on the bottom to weigh it down. Just be careful about
15 years ago
continues: how heavy a can you use.
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