mariejambotz loves
15 years ago
the music vid she co-directed with mihk vergara. wanna see? here tis! (P.S. for Shaider fans as well)
latest #6
15 years ago
it doesn't work for me too :-( want to see it na! You + mihk + shaider??? MUST WATCH! re-post link pleeeease!
cyncha says
15 years ago
ang gnada Marie!!!!
cyncha says
15 years ago
Jeline, Guts, here it is: The Dorques - Murasaki Blue
15 years ago
Figured it out (searched 'mariejambotz') but thanks cyncha! MARIE! Ang ganda! I love it :-) At na-touch ako sa ending hahaha. Awww *a tear*
cyncha says
15 years ago
yes, a round of applause for Ms. Jamora & Mr. Vergara are in order (applause)(applause)(applause)
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