greenthumbr says
16 years ago
more sunflowers in the ground! and they seem to be growing very quickly
latest #16
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
What kind of climate do you need to grow sunflowers successfully? Because it rains a whole lot over here, but I think sunflowers would be
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
nice to have...
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
they typically prefer drier sunnier weather. if ur rain is short (like 20 min a day) u 'd b ok. but if its all-day everyday thats not ideal
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
there are also some varieties that might grow in a pot, that would help keep them drier...they would still want lots of sun
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Well, we are talking about the UK here, so I guess it's no sunflowers for me. Oh well. Any idea what kinds of plants would do well with lots
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
of rain?
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
And the temp over here usually stays above freezing, even in the winter. Sometimes it dips to like -2 C in the mornings, but that's about it
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
off the top of my head, marshmallow (an herb) likes lots of water. cranberries grow in bogs (water) and river birches like water.although...
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
none of those are sunshiney flowers like the sunflower :-) lemme think about that for a sec
adreich says
16 years ago
i tried to plant sunflowers last year but the rabbits ate them up
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
found a list of flowers that like wet/marshy land
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
dates might not apply to you
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
adreich - thats too bad! we're lucky that our wild rabbits don't make it past the clover in our yard
adreich says
16 years ago
oh they love to clovers too but have found them munching on other stuff this year even some balloon flowers
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Thanks! I'll try to look out for some of those. :-)
greenthumbr says
16 years ago
great! hope you find something that does well! :-D
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