torka shares
16 years ago
Totally unmotivated to do any further work this afternoon. Pre-holiday ennui, I think. (Do I get bonus points for using 'ennui' in a plurk?)
latest #18
16 years ago
yes. karma +1
jefftippett says
16 years ago
left office at noon!
torka says
16 years ago
Jeff: :-P And I say this to you with all the love in my heart. Truly I do.
torka says
16 years ago
Karma +1 eh? Woot! I'll have to start digging into the thesaurus more often...
vangogh says
16 years ago
I say +1 on the karma too. This could be the only plurk every to use the word enui after all
vangogh feels
16 years ago
unmotivated too
mercurial says
16 years ago
double bonus points if you use ennui and miasma together.
torka says
16 years ago
How about this: I'm feeling lost in a miasma of negative motivation and swirling clouds of ennui... :-)
torka says
16 years ago
Knew that creative writing class in high school would come in handy one day.
mercurial says
16 years ago
+1.5 - it's got nice beat but I just can't dance to it.
torka says
16 years ago
You're not supposed to dance. It's emo. Just sit around and look/feel depressed. :-)
mercurial says
16 years ago
oh.... so that's why all the goth kids made fun of me.
torka says
16 years ago
LOL! :-D Yeah, that might explain it...
AbleReach shares
16 years ago
spiked collars & wristbands were not legal at my kid's school - they still snuck 'em in. HOWEVER, if she missed the bus...
AbleReach shares
16 years ago
...she needed a ride and a sign-in, and I'd peel the spikes off of her at the office sign-in window, and wear them on the way out.
torka says
16 years ago
LOL! I'd love to have seen that. When I went to H.S. (dark ages), we were all hippies. Not modern "hippy-chicks", we were the originals.
AbleReach shares
16 years ago
some days that was cool, some days she HATED it. Seemed to depend on if her friends liked me when she didn't. LOL. Either way, I had fun.
16 years ago
same, want to stay home and rest
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