205Friends 232Fans
male Ladera Ranch, CA, United States
I am into the internet. Social media, social networking, blogging - it's what I do.
16 years ago
48 Hours. That's how long it took me to become completely addicted to my G1. Thank you, oh wonderful wife, for the early Christmas gift.
16 years ago
Is it me, or did Christmas sneak up this year. The last few years, I thought it all started too quickly, but this year it just didn't.
16 years ago 1
Have you ever microblogged, then thought, "Nah, that's too boring."? Then, you read what other people write and say, "Nevermind, it's not."
16 years ago
The one thing I miss most about Oklahoma: driving back from the relatives' houses takes a lot longer in Southern California.
16 years ago
BTW, it hasn't rained in 8 months in Orange County, and the night I'm at a concert and parked a mile away it pours. I don't own an umbrella.
16 years ago 4
Went to see Coldplay last night. WOW - I was so impressed with their performance. Thought it would be bland. I was so wrong.
16 years ago
Compelling story I found on DailyGalaxy about mass extinctions: ping.fm/DGoPS - good read.
16 years ago
My first semi-non-working weekend in months. Wow, it was fun. Did next to nothing. Loved it.
16 years ago
What Google is doing with their new search results is actually really cool. Digg-like, but way cool. Makes my searching much easier.
16 years ago
This Motrin Ad thing got a mention in the LA Times: ping.fm/fR3pj