44Friends 76Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
Marco says
12 years ago
Our daily chats have stopped
Marco says
12 years ago 3
pogi ko
Marco says
12 years ago
Marco says
12 years ago
Marco says
12 years ago 2
Since I'm never going to move on I might as well get it over with.
I've never been good at expressing myself so I'll keep it short.
Marco says
12 years ago
Two of them in the same dream...weird
Marco says
12 years ago
When you've got nothing to live for
Marco says
12 years ago
I have to stop myself from reading past plurks
Marco says
12 years ago
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around one in a while you might miss it."
Marco says
12 years ago 3
I did it with good intentions but it was taken negatively. That just makes me sadder. :-(