30Friends 6Fans
A smile is a curved line that sets things straight. :-D
[email protected]
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago 2
omfg, im fat. :x
`Amandaa! wants
15 years ago
acash. D:
`Amandaa! hates
15 years ago
digestion qns when they'll ask whether what food contains what minerals and all that stuff. =.=
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago 4
I finished Shopaholic takes Manhattan alr, a really awesome book yaw. B-)
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago
kay, im going to try sleeping agn.
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago
si prata, keep cursing me. ._.
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago
NVM, I shall go try sleeping agn. Hmm.
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago
see lah, am yawning like crazy but just cant fall asleep agn. -.-
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago
Prata's not normal either. HAHA.
`Amandaa! says
15 years ago
I cant get more sleep, my body will auto wake-up once I've slept 8hrs. How weird.