8Friends 6Fans
male Southampton, Great Britain (UK)
Promoted to Admiral after stella service in SL :-)
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 4
Night all, I've been told to shut up by authority on high ;-)
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 2
morning everyone...lifes manic :-( (wave)
15 years ago 4
welcomes vixxi to his timeline (wave)
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 6
Morning all..(:
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 2
morning all (wave)
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 2
goodnight all (wave)
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 18
no sugar, just milk please...thank you
AdmiralSod says
15 years ago 2
morning all, who's making the tea?
AdmiralSod thinks
15 years ago 3
it's very quiet on the plurk front tonight. Everyone watching footy? 8-)
15 years ago 2
morning world, had an early brisk walk with the dogs.